tipping the scale.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

On Monday I had another appointment. I cannot believe that I have reached the bi-monthly check-up checkpoint. Before I know it, they'll be seeing my radiant face weekly! I saw Dr. Favor this go around. She is the same doctor that was on call the night we lost our first baby. She had such a warm heart then and was even more intentional at this appointment. Everything looked great. I continue to climb the scale (+30 pounds). I'm totally over it.

I have good and bad news. The bad news (if my weight gain wasn't bad news enough): I had to get the Tdap vaccine, which protects against whooping cough, tetanus, and diphtheria. The shot itself didn't hurt, but I cried myself to sleep Monday night because my arm was in so much pain. It is still aching today. I came to the realization that a natural birth is probably not in the stars for me. If I can't handle a vaccine, how in the world am I going to handle labor pains?! The good news: Dr. Favor said that Brooks is a small baby. She is thinking that he will tip the scale at 7 pounds. This was news to my ears seeing that ol' Johnny boy was almost 10 pounds...

At 30 (well, I'll be 31 weeks tomorrow), I am feeling large and in charge. I have been exposed to a whole new world of awful and embarrassing symptoms. And sleep? It's pretty much non-existent, which makes for dandy days. I feel our nugget all day long. He is working with some tight living quarters. I feel like I am stretched to the max and he is crammed to the gills. I get full really fast and am not as hungry as I was during the 2nd trimester. This is most likely due to the lack of space and pressure on my internal organs. Speaking of food, grilled cheese sandwiches have been added to my "cravings" list. This is quite odd, seeing that I am not a very big fan of cheese. It's amazing what pregnancy can do...

1 comment:

  1. Your tummy is so cute! I love reading your blog for what is to come for me and hearing how everything is going. You look so great!


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