
Friday, October 5, 2012

Our baby boy has a name! However, this isn't new news. He has had a name since before we knew he was a he. I'm not sure why I keep referring to him as "Baby Bryant" because John and I talk to him daily and pray for him by name. It isn't like we are keeping it a secret...I guess it's just out of habit. Shame on me.

Coming up with a boy name was much easier than agreeing to a girl name. There were many names that we liked for our sweetums, but we kept going back to same one over and over again. When that's the case, you know it's right.

So, what is the little bun in my oven's name?

Yep, JBB²--just like his daddy! Except, John's middle name is Bennett, which is also our sweet nephew's name. I knew that I wanted to use John, because if baby boy were to be named after only one person I would want that person to be his amazing father. Plus, it's biblical. I'm not sure where we came up with Brooks, but I love alliterative names and Brooks Bryant had a nice ring to it.  So, with that being said, we will be calling him by his middle name. BABY BROOKS! I cannot wait to put a face to the name!

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