swim lessons.

Thursday, June 25, 2015

On Friday, June 19th, Brooks had his first day of swim lessons with Mrs. Monica, the swim saint. I say that because she is the most kindhearted, patient, and encouraging instructor. Brooks absolutely adored her and so did I.

Over the span of three days, our little fish learned how to hold his breath under water, put his face in, float on his back, kick and "scoop." By the last day he was swimming small distances without the help of Monica!

Things that Brooks loved about swim lessons:

1. Mrs. Monica
2. Having his buddy Gray in his class
3. Squirt guns
4. Goggles
5. Jumping off the diving board
6. Daddy showing up to watch him

I really wish that we had signed up for more than one session. Bad move on my part. Next summer, we will sign up for at least two. Five if it were up to Brooks…

life lately.

Monday, June 22, 2015

Here is a glimpse at life lately...

boat naps | safari sprinkles | swinging
family selfie at the top of vulcan | wagon rides | alley dirties
tuckered out | baking cookies | staying cool in the pool

swim lessons and water guns | wubbanub | chocolate cookies
bedhead | dinosaurs at story time | and puppy dogs too
library | splash pad | truck rides

cowboys, indians and firetrucks, oh my.

Friday, June 19, 2015

Birthday parties are so much fun, right? Brooks and Ann Bennett think so!

Our little buddy Christopher turned two and we celebrated him a few weekends ago at his "Cowboys and Indians" themed birthday party. B-Man decided, as soon as we received the invitation, that he wanted to dress up as a cowboy for the festivities. Lucky for me, he already had the boots and hat to fit the part. It was only appropriate that Ann Bennett dress as an indian. If you know Annie B, you know that she is a wild boo thang. I made her a little headpiece out of elastic, feathers, and hot glue. Super easy and super cute.

We had such a good time playing with all of our friends in the backyard while eating watermelon and cake. Happy Birthday, Christopher! You are so loved! 

Last weekend, we celebrated our buddy Gray firetruck-style at his fun birthday bash. Brooks' mind was blown when the firetruck and firemen came and he had an absolute blast jumping around in the bounce house. He had so much fun that he cried when we told him that it was time to go!

We love you, too, Gray! Happy 2nd Birthday, sweet boy! 

ten months: ann bennett.

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Well, here we are again...the double digits! Ann Bennett is ten months old. How can this be?! 

Our little love is coming alive! We finally got a deep gut laugh out of her. On May 17th, she belted one out while jumping in her exersaucer. She likes to play the same game that Brooks played where she jumps and bounces around, stops, waits for us to "hooray" and clap, laughs, and does it again. And again. And again. On June 15th, Pops surprised us while we were in the backyard playing in the pool. He kept pretending to pour water on her, but would splash it on Brooks instead, and our little giggle-box was rolling. Seriously, I have never seen her scream and laugh like that! 

And speaking of the baby pool, she absolutely loves it. She will kick, splash, stand, splash, roll around, and kick some more. She also loves the sandbox. She will crawl across the entire backyard to get to it. Messy is her middle name! 

Annie B reached a whole new level of attachment this month. At the beginning of the month she would cry hysterically when I would put her down. If she feels me bending over to put her down she clenches my shoulder, neck, or arm.   I would hold that sweet baby all day if I could, but I haven't quite mastered one handed diaper changes on brother, yet. I can't say that I want to. But, one of the pros of having an attached baby is the snuggles. Every time I close her drapes and turn her fan on before naps or bedtime, she will lay her head on my shoulder. It is the best part of my every day. She is such a little love bug.

She craves attention from her daddy. When he walks in the door every evening she goes crazy. But, as far as preference goes, it's all about Mommy. I can't say I'm upset about that.

Moving on. Food! I do not think that I can fully describe Miss Piggy's love for food. I will say, at the beginning on the month, she lost interest in her bottle. She would sometimes only take three ounces of formula. Luckily, she is back to drinking four, five-to-seven ounce bottles a day. What didn't change was her appetite for food. She moved on quickly from purées. Once she got a taste of finger food, she was sold. If we are on the go, I try to give her a pouch and she either spits it out or plays with it. John and I joke about how we can't put food down for her fast enough. It pretty much disappears before it hits her tray. Her current likes: blueberries, turkey dogs and burgers, any vegetable (especially peas), raspberries, cheese. Dislikes: yogurt, pancakes. She also has finally gotten the hang of the sippy cup, however, she only prefers to drink cold water out of it. Therefore, she is still a bottle-baby.

We had some changes this month as far as mobility goes. On May 30th, wild thing started playing on her knees. She loves to bounce around on them, throwing her arms in the air. On June 1st, AB stood on her own! She now stands, bounces, and waves all of the time. She will take some steps holding on to our hands, but is more interested in traveling by way of crawling. I'm not in a hurry! 

Ann Bennett loves to wave and holler at any and every body. She also loves to play peekaboo. She thinks it's hilarious. 

Ann Bennett, you are truly one of a kind, baby girl. You continue to bring us so much joy and laughter. I love you even though you sometimes skip your morning nap...XO, baby girl.

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