the forgetsies.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

It is safe to say that I am suffering from what is known as "pregnancy brain," but we, in the Bryant household, like to refer to it as "the forgetsies." I know that it is just my pregnancy hormones having a good ole time, unfortunately, at the expense of my once keen memory, but lately it's been bad...real bad. All we can do is laugh it off because, really, it is pretty humorous. So funny that it must be documented to look back on when I need a giggle. 

1. Forgetting to close cabinet and closet doors.
2. Forgetting to flush the toilet - yeahhhh. Not so fun for John.
3. Having checks and deposit slip in hand and passing the bank...twice.
4. Forgetting to put on deodorant.
5. Forgetting to put on my wedding rings.
6. Forgetting our address.
7. Putting items in cabinets where they do not belong. Sometimes I find random items in the refrigerator too.
8. Forgetting conversations--Really I thought that John was just "claiming" that he told me something, but let's be real...I just don't remember talking about it.
9. Putting clothes in the dryer, but forgetting to turn it on.
10. Forgetting what day of the week it is or how far along I am.
11. (This one is pretty funny)...Forgetting that I put my phone on the back of John's truck. He decided that he would play a little joke on me so after driving off he looked in his rear-view mirror and shockingly said, "Was that your phone that just fell off the truck?!?" I went into complete PANIC.MODE. I said a curse word (which, I never do), started flailing my arms, my blood pressure skyrocketed, and I put my hand on the door handle ready to open it and jump out. Really, Lauren? Jump out of a moving vehicle during rush hour? John then started hysterically laughing and took my phone out of his pocket. OHHH, JB. Don't mess with the forgetsies.
12. Forgetting how to spell simple words. Come on, English Major!
13. Forgetting to take my prenatal vitamins.
14. Starting a conversation and forgetting what I was going to say. Lot's of "ummms" and "uhhhhs" these days. At times, I start talking and then just stop.
15. Walking into a store and forgetting what I am there to get. Once I remember the reason for the trip, I still end up leaving without it.

...this too shall pass. Maybe. I sure hope so.

If it weren't for the calendar on my phone and my handy dandy planner, I would be one-hot-mess.

1 comment:

  1. That is too funny! I walked out of the kitchen last night, turned off all the lights, and then realized I had left the water running in the kitchen sink and I thought what is wrong with me?! I think pregnancy brain is creeping up on me too...!


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