Showing posts with label snow. Show all posts
Showing posts with label snow. Show all posts

the day it snowed.

Saturday, December 9, 2017

Yesterday it snowed. A lot. It was the best surprise waking up to flurries falling from the sky and the ground and trees covered in white, especially for the kids. John left before the sun came up to go hunting for the weekend, so it was just me and the kids…and the snow!

Brooks and Ann Bennett had the best time playing in it. They would play hard, come in to defrost, then put back on their warm clothes from the dryer and head back out. Even our Happy Camper got to experience the wonder and beauty of it all! 

We were more or less stranded, so we made the most of it—we cooked our favorite pasta for dinner, watched Christmas movies, and made gingerbread houses!

Thank you Lord, for such a sweet day…

Now get home, Daddy!


Sunday, January 8, 2017

It snowed! Well, it sleeted and iced and kind of snowed. It mainly iced. But, we made the most of it and spent some time outside yesterday morning running around and playing in it. I'm sure the kids would have had more fun if Daddy were in town—he's far more creative than Mommy is—but they still had a blast!

Brrrrrrr. It was freezing! We didn't stay outside too long. Our hands and noses were cold and the warm cinnamon rolls in the oven were calling our name!

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