my whole being waits.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Oh, is that still a ginormous bump I see? You know what? It sure is. Big momma's still in da house...

 ...and waiting. Waiting. Still waiting.

"I wait for the Lord, my whole being waits, and in His Word, I put my hope." Psalm 130:5

This verse spoke to my heart and Spirit Saturday morning as I am getting rather impatient awaiting the arrival of our sweet boy. And by impatient I mean overanalyzing every. single.  cramp, contraction, and pelvic discomfort, making lists and checking them twice, walking until my shins start yelling at me, and occupying my time with anything and everything that keeps my mind off all the aches and pains and off the fact that I am still pregnant.

This morning, at my 38 week check-up, I was hoping for better news. But, you guessed it: with 11 days to go until my due date I am still 1 centimeter dilated, 80% effaced, and at −1 station. Been there, done that for TWO whole weeks now. It was very disheartening. On the bright side, Dr. Stradtman said that she cannot believe that I haven't gone into labor yet and thinks that it will be this week. I have heard that before, so I am not getting my hopes up. Did I mention that I have had only a few contractions? And I'm not even 100% sure that they were contractions. My prediction for a December 4 baby isn't looking too promising. John is hoping that Brooks will come on his 28th birthday, which is this Saturday. He thinks that would be the most amazing thing since sliced bread. We will see, we will see.

I am thankful for the Lord's continued outpouring of peace over my frantic mind and discouraged heart and His daily reminders to trust and hope in Him. When I am at wits end, living in the flesh, He covers me with grace and reigns me back in. If it weren't for this, I would have surely drunk castor oil by now and tried everything under the sun to induce labor. But, in His Word, I put my hope and in His timing I put my faith.

In the meantime, I will continue to wait and try to soak up every last ounce of this pregnancy. 'Tis a fleeting thing...

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