mom car.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Good news: I finally purchased more photo storage for the blog so get ready for pics galore. BOOM!

Day 7: This afternoon I said sayonara to my faithful car of 9 years. Tear. The black beaut has been a good one and I sure am going to miss her. But, babes and coupes don't really mix well together. Let me rephrase that—babies and coupes don't really mix well together.

It was time for an upgrade. With a baby on the way we were desperate for a bigger car and decided on a midsize SUV. We purchased the new car (it's actually used, but new to me) a couple of weeks ago and have been waiting patiently for it to pass inspection and make its way from Utah to Birmingham. It finally arrived on Sunday and we signed the papers today. Hallelujah! Just in time for baby. Maybe that's what Brooks has been holding out for? A girl can dream...

This evening I am going to be settling into the new ride, installing the car seat, mirror, and sunshade. I really need to get the hang of driving an SUV again. I probably should do that without a baby in the backseat. Good news is, I still have tomorrow!

One more full day of life without Brooks. I can't believe it!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations for your stunning BMW! It must have been a bittersweet experience to say goodbye to your old car. Nine years is, indeed, a long time. A new car and a baby along the way sounds exciting! True, you can really use that upgrade.


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