unhappy on a happy day.

Saturday, December 8, 2012

As much as I would love to be singing birthday praises to our little munchkin, my amazing husband deserves a day of his own. Really. He is one-of-a-kind amazing.

I cannot believe that this is the fourth birthday of yours that we have celebrated together. 24 seems like so long ago. We were a lot younger then, that's for sure. We dated at 24, were engaged at 25, married at 26, planning a family at 27 and now at 28, you are going to be a daddy! And an awesome one at that. Brooks is one lucky boy. I pray that 28 brings you a lot of love, joy, opportunity, blessings, and fulfillment. I love you too much, always. Happy Birthday.

Day 4: To say that I am an emotional wreck today is an understatement. I can't seem to shut off the waterworks. All I want to do is curl up in bed and sleep. And it's my husband's birthday...what a great wife. As much as I want to slap a smile across my face, I can't. I don't know what the deal is? I think my hormones are RAGING. I didn't have to tell you that, though. All you have to do is take a gander at my pizza face. My complexion is the absolute worse it has been during this entire pregnancy. Here's to hoping for a better night's sleep tonight. Maybe my hips won't fall asleep, I won't feel like I'm simmering in a dutch oven, and Brooks won't have a party on my bladder.

I'll be back with a better attitude tomorrow. Fingers crossed.


  1. Hi Lauren! I don't think we have ever actually met although I do remember you from college as we had many mutual friends, John being one. Anyways, I follow your blog as it is too cute and you seem to love many of the same things I do. I just wanted to wish you both luck with the arrival of your new bundle of joy! I just finished blogging about those miserable pregnancy pains as we now have a 2 month old. I know you have heard it time and time again, but from one new mommy to the next, motherhood is the most challenging yet rewarding thing you will ever do- and labor won't be nearly as scary as you think, even if you are induced. I was induced and I think I made it up in my head to be so bad that there was no chance of it being anything but EASIER in reality! Send John my congratulations and I look forward to seeing the posts when Brooks arrives! You will have a good few first weeks to blog while he sleeps 24/7 in that cute nursery. :)

    1. Jennifer! You are so so SO sweet. Thank you so much for chiming in and for your encouraging words and well wishes. I pretty much just stalked your blog for an hour and LOVED seeing that I am not the only one who is experiencing/experienced the ups and downs of the final days of pregnancy and anxieties and fears of pending labor. Congrats on your baby girl. She is beautiful! Thank you for painting a real picture of what is to come...please keep the posts coming! I will definitely let John know you said hello—he'll be so happy to hear from you. XOXO.

  2. It seems like you'll be celebrating BOTH of your little men in December for many years to come! HOW FUN! Can't wait for Brooks to be here :) Love you!


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