39 weeks.

Friday, December 7, 2012

ONE WEEK TO GO until DD-Day! I am officially 39 weeks.

Day 3: Today my pregnancy brain got the best of me, but I am blaming it on my sleepless night. My heart condition (MVP) was unmanageable last night. It typically worsens when I am anxious or nervous about something. Maybe because I have had more time to sit and process the stages of impending labor and the reality of being responsible for a tiny human being my inner self is growing a bit anxious and weary? Or maybe it's the fact that as our due date draws nearer with still no signs of baby, the possibility of induction has been plaguing my mind? To sum it up, I felt off. Very off. On the verge of tears, I placed my hand on John's warm back. There is something about being near to him that is so calming and the rhythm of his deep breaths began to ease my restless heart.

Anyway...let's get back to the forgetsie of the day. After my morning walk, the nesting bug struck again. I made a list of errands to run for the umpteenth time, grabbed my purse, my water, walked into the garage, opened the garage door, locked the door behind me, and reached for the car door handle only to realize my keys were still inside. Thank the good Lord that I grabbed my cell phone or else I would still be sitting outside twiddling my thumbs waiting on John to get home. FAIL.

I did get a lot accomplished today (packed our cooler/snack bag for the hospital, shaved my legs, stocked the fridge, got caught up on laundry) and, once again, feel very prepared and ready for baby.

My torpedo of a belly has dropped and continues to drop. I am feeling extreme pelvic pressure and lower back pain, my hips are aching, and I am suffering from urinary incontinence. Ahhh, the joys of pregnancy.

Oh, and I want Mexican for dinner.

Until next time...

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