ten months.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

We've entered the double digits. Our baby boy is 10 months old today. TEN! And you know what that means? Only two more months until he turns one. Only two more months of monthly posts. I cannot believe it and I am not ready. I'm not even close to being ready! So for now, I will savor every second with my 10 month old. I'm clinging on hard...

This month brought a lot of change. For one, our little man is talking. A lot. And while most of the things that he says only John and I can understand, he has added so many new words to his vocabulary. For instance, when I bring out the puffs he will say "puh," "pa pa" is paci, "booh" is book, "der" for what I think is there (though John thinks that he is saying deer), "tee" for kitty, "mama," "dada," "bah" for ball, "hi," "bye," and "baa" and "uhhhh," straight up caveman style, for everything else.

Brooks is also pointing at everything, voluntarily and on command. While we are reading a book, I will ask "where is the bird?" and he can point to the bird. While he is eating, I will ask, "where is the pumpkin?" and he will point to the pumpkin on the table. We are working on pointing to parts of the face, which he thinks is hilarious. I will ask, "where is Brooks' nose?" and then touch his nose and he giggles. It is a great way to grasp his attention. As of late, it has been my secret weapon during diaper changes, which have become quite difficult. 

JBB also claps when we tell him to clap, he waves when we tell him to wave, and he raises his arms when we tell him to put his arms up. Smart boy!

One date from this month that I want to remember is September 14th, cousin William's birthday, when Brooks had his first taste of icing and ice cream. He was a bit unsure, but kept going back for more! Daddy has given him a taste or two of ice cream since then, but he has yet to try cake. We are going to save that adventure for his first birthday party.

On September 20th, Brooks stood up on his own for approximately five seconds! I couldn't believe my eyes! I figured we would just practice a bit since we hadn't before and the minute I let go of his hands he stood there and did not move. It was too funny. He has only done it one other time, on the the 9th. Every other time I try to get him in position he plops down on his bottom.

Although he isn't a pro at standing on his own yet, he has mastered cruising. He will walk holding onto the coffee table, the couch, his big truck, the push toy, and the walker. And speaking of his walker, while sitting in it he can now walk forward. He scoots ALL over the house in that thing. Maybe "scoot" isn't the appropriate word. He runs and plows throughout the house, knocking over everything in his path.

On September 21st, Brooks was acting a little off and he was warm, really warm. We took his temperature and the number on the thermometer confirmed that he was running a fever. It was downhill from there. The next morning, Brooks woke up hotter than ever. He fell asleep in my arms, something that he NEVER does, and it wasn't even nap time! Poor baby was not feeling good. We took advantage of the snuggles on the couch. Brooks would lay his head down on my shoulder and our laps. It was the sweetest. On Monday, it was confirmed that he had Roseola. He broke out in a horrible rash that started on his torso and spread to his genitals and face. Luckily, it did not itch and only lasted 24 hours. The next week, B suffered from congestion, cough, and a runny, raw nose. My heart was on the verge of shattering into pieces.

A sick baby = a fussy baby. Once again, we had a tough, fussy month. I think that he is on the brink of getting more teeth because he is showing all of the signs that he did during month eight. Also, I noticed one afternoon that the paint on Brooks' crib was starting to chip. Odd. A couple of days later, when I picked B up out of the crib after a nap, I noticed that he had paint all over his mouth. Yes, paint! The little chipmunk has been chewing on his crib rails! I had to go out and buy a "gummy rail" and now our crib looks like you think it looks. Ghetto fabulous. But, you gotta do what you gotta do.

Brooks went to Auburn for the first time on October 5th and loved it. Future Tiger...

There are a few things from this month that made my heart feel like it was about to burst...

1. Brooks started giving the most delicious open-mouth kisses. He goes in for the real thing. And you better believe that I ask him for a kiss a gillion times a day. Daddy does too. He also started giving hugs and sweet snuggles where he buries his head into your chest. The magic words? "Brooks, give me some love." I also tell him to give me love a gillion times a day.

2. We have a dancing fool on our hands. YES! My dreams have come true. B LOVES to dance. Every time he hears music on the radio or coming from a toy he starts bouncing, sways, shakes his head "no" really fast and flaps his arms. It is so so so cute and quite hilarious. I must say, I am so happy the kid feels a beat—just like his mama (and daddy...don't let John fool you)! Ha.

3. We get a glimpse of Brooks' tender heart every time we hand him a stuffed animal. He holds them, "loves" them, and then lies down with them under his arm and pretends to sleep. What a sweet personality he has. Most of the time. Wink wink.

I absolutely love our baby boy. Yes, there are tough days. A lot of them. Most days I have to rely on our Savior to get through them. But, that beautiful face makes the tough days totally worth it. The smiles, the giggles, the kisses, and the snuggles, far outweigh the blowout diapers, the shrill cries, and the food in my hair and the floor. He is worth it. Motherhood isn't always easy, but it sure is satisfying and so so sweet.

Happy ten months John Brooks. You are a piece of heaven baby boy!

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