ten month favorites.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

We don't have very many favorites from month ten because it seems like all of the things that Brooks is drawn to and wants to play with are non-baby items. Like the rocks in the fireplace. Or the bath salts and bubble bath next to the tub. Even leftover charcoal from the grill and anything and everything else off limits that he can get his hands (or mouth) on. Sweet.

1. Nuby Sippy Cups - Brooks loves his sippy cup! I did some research and decided on the Nuby brand to introduce to JB. The handles are great for beginners, it has a no spill spout, is BPA free, and super easy to take apart and clean. Brooks only takes 2 bottles and gets a sippy cup during snack time and at lunch and dinner. He still needs my help drinking, but the transition was a breeze. I am thinking of switching to the straw sippies soon.

2. Baby Einstein Amazing Animals! Book - Brooks is showing a great interest in reading. He will sit on his playmat and "read" book after book for minutes at a time. His latest and greatest book love is this animal book that makes animal sounds. He sits quietly on my lap and waits for me to take his finger and push the button. He gets especially excited when we turn to the "kitten" page.

3. Baby Bjorn Bib - Now that Brooks is eating finger foods the majority of the time, this deep pocket bib is key to catching foods that don't quite make it into his mouth. It is easy to clean and adjusts to fit the growing babe. We only have one and I think that one is plenty! You don't have to wait on it to dry like the other pocket bibs we have.

4. Melissa & Doug Deluxe Chomp & Clack Alligator Push Toy - Brooks has been using this walker since month eight and pushes it like a champ! He is so proud of himself when he gets from Point A to Point B. He is walking everywhere. I love that it is made of wood (you really can't go wrong with any Melissa & Doug toy), is brightly colored, and makes clacking noises when he walks. He also loves to plop down every now and then to play with the butterfly and ladybug blocks.

5. Megabloks CAT 3-in-1 Ride on Dump Truck - Every little boy's dream! We found this gem in Shug & Pops garage. It was a hand-me-down from the nephew littles. When Brooks is done with it, we'll pass it down to baby Sam. Brooks pushes it and rides on it at least twice a day. He loves pushing the buttons and even makes the "sssshhh" sound that it makes. l put leaves, grass, and sticks in it and he loves to pull them out and throw them on the ground. I think that we could go back and forth all day long.

...On to month eleven!

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