
Saturday, October 26, 2013

Yeah, so I had the best of intentions to grab my camera on Thursday to take over to the house to snap some before pictures, but...I have a 10 month old baby. And a scattered brain. While I didn't remember the camera, I did remember my phone, so iPhone pics are going to have to do. 

Without further ado, our Lancaster cottage:

Are you as scared as I first was? I don't do well "seeing the bigger picture." Lucky for me, I have a husband who can. And, lucky for me, I have a husband who knows what he's doing. He is a homebuilder; a great one at that.

I digress.

John and I declared Thursday a "work day" at the house. I dropped little man off at Shug and Pops' house so we could actually be productive. When I pulled up, demo had already begun!

Where did my kitchen go?!

Naturally I wanted to do my part and feel like a bad mama jama, so I begged asked John to hand over the sledgehammer and let me have my way with one of the kitchen walls. 

...I will spare you the video, though, I owned that wall. Don't let my scrawny arms fool you. Picking up and putting down a 20 pound baby has its pros.

And here is a little doodle of the new kitchen. EEEE. I cannot wait to see some more progress!

Happy Weekend!


  1. I love your new home! I miss Homewood so much. And how awesome that your hubby can do the renovations?!?! Can't wait to see the before and afters!

  2. I cannot wait to see this through the process! Oh how I wish my husband could see the bigger pictures in the character of older homes! I am already jealous of you- even with just the before pictures!!


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