
Monday, August 20, 2012

Here is a little bumpdate at 23 weeks:
Size of Baby Bryant:

More than 11 inches long and weighs just over a pound (about as much as a large mango).

What is Baby Bryant up to this week? 

With a sense of movement well developed by now, Baby Bryant can feel me dance (not that I do it often...John and I occasionally bust a move in the car). And now that he is more than 11 inches long and weighs over a pound, I may be able to see him squirm underneath my clothes! Blood vessels in his lungs are developing to prepare for breathing and his hearing is becoming keener. In fact, his cochlea—the inner ear mechanism that houses all components of hearing—is fully formed. So he can hear what I hear, but not at the same level.


Lots of it! It has been awesome. He is most active at night before bed, but I feel him a lot throughout the day too. A special moment for me was during worship at church this past Sunday—the worship team was singing my most favorite song at the moment, a Highlands original, and baby boy started kicking away! It made my heart happy.

Cravings and aversions:

Still craving sweets. No aversions, unfortunately...


Still have indigestion every night when I lie down. Taking two TUMS before bedtime is now part of my nightly routine. I have also had an extremely itchy stomach this week. Mainly the lower belly region. Round ligament pain plagues me here and there. Typically when I get up too fast. My trips to the potty have definitely increased this week too!


HAPPY! But, emotionally sensitive at times. What made me cry this week of pregnancy? A bagpiper. 

What I am looking forward to?

Going to Atlanta this weekend to do some major shopping for Baby Bryant with my mom. My sweet parents want to bless John and I with the stroller and car seat so hopefully I will be coming home with those in tow and maybe some more baby goodness. I can't wait!


  1. You look adorable!! I'm about to order that pregnancy pillow you mentioned in an earlier post.

    1. Y'all are so sweet. Anna-I'm so excited to see what you think about the pillow! Wise buy :) There are so many things you can do with that pillow pre-post pregnancy! Keep me posted. P.S. Your little bump is so precious!

  2. Lauren, I agree with Anna you are so cute!!


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