tide over.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

I feel like I have so much catching up to do on this little blog of mine. For one, we have partially moved into our new house. The week leading up to Brooks' first birthday was a crazy one. We had painters, carpenters, electricians, and floor refinishers working around each other racing to get the job done in time for his party on Saturday. We reached a point where the progress had to stop in order to move in furniture on Friday. With that being said, there are still several walls, doors, and trim that need painting (even though drapes are hung...yikes), an entire kitchen that needs to be installed, floors that need scraping and cleaning, and shelving and closets that need to be installed. Nap time is going to be quite interesting over the next few weeks. Uhhhh.

After singing "Happy Birthday" to Brooks a billion times, giving him a gillion kisses and hugs, and letting him indulge in a muffin top with a candle in it (that he blew out with his pinchers), I dropped him off with his Shug at 8:30 a.m. on Friday morning. There were a lot of tears me. I then went back to the townhouse to finish packing and get ready for the movers, who were supposed to arrive no later than 1:00 and didn't show until 3:30. SOOOOO, the moving truck did not arrive to the Lancaster cottage until 6:00 p.m. Did I mention we were hosting a party the next day?

Needless to say, we got the house looking presentable with the help of our amazing families and Brooks' first birthday party was a success. I cannot wait to show pictures of the house and share some from the party. It was such a special day celebrating our sweet baby boy!

But, for now, we must finish packing the townhouse (we still have an entire kitchen to box up among other odds and ends) and get it cleaned by Thursday, get a Christmas tree (yeah, that's not happening), take Brooks to see Santa, go to B's 12 month well check-up, finish our Christmas shopping, and then unpack some more. Hopefully I will be back before the new year. Wink.

Here are some recent iPhone pics of the star of the show to tide this blog over...

...and a video, of our WALKING one year old!!!

1 comment:

  1. Lauren!!!! I can't believe all y'all have going on this Christmas season. I am glad you were able to stop and celebrate Brooks first birthday! By the way, he is out of control ADORABLE!


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