first birthday party.

Monday, December 23, 2013

On Saturday, December 14th at 3:00 in the afternoon we, along with our dearest friends and family, celebrated our Brooks' first birthday. Our ONE YEAR OLD. I was quite emotional on his actual birthday to say the least. Although it has only been one year, there are so many sweet memories to recount and relive. And they all washed over me at once. I also think that I was feeling a bit guilty about leaving Brooks with his Shug all day, from 8:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. But, in our hearts, Saturday was our day to honor little B.

We were hanging drapes, unpacking boxes, making grocery runs, and decorating for the party just mere minutes before guests arrived. I honestly could not have done it without the help of my parents and brother Andrew, John's parents, Lea...and, of course, John. These people make my world go round.

Luckily, Brooks took a long afternoon nap, so come 3:00 he was ready to party! And that he did.

He had so much fun playing with his little friends, being loved on by grandparents, and indulging in yummy cake for the first time (Warning: I got a tad bit picture happy)!

We are so incredibly thankful for the friends and family that were able to make it, those who weren't, but sent Brooks lots of love on his big day, and for all of the thoughtful gifts for our little one. It is such a blessing having those you love, love your child almost as much as you do. What an amazing circle we have surrounding our family.

We surely enjoyed every second of Brooks' birthday party and I believe he did too. What tot wouldn't love being surrounded by big colorful balloons and tons of toys for a day?!

Happy 1st Birthday, my little love. You sure are adored.


  1. Happy Birthday! I am amazed at your house! How did you get it looking so great?! Hope yall have a wonderful Christmas!

    1. Sorry for the late response, but thank you Carrie! Trust me, the house is far from looking great, but I appreciate the kind words. I hope y'all had a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

  2. Cute Cute Cute!!! I still can't believe he's one!

    1. I can't either, Anna! It won't be long before Murphy's big day!


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