make it quick.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013


I've got to make this house and life update quick because we are racing life at a super high speed right now. My list runneth over, the house progress is, well, not progressing by our liking (thank you rain), and our little one is needing a lot of attention these days.

But, everything going on right now is good and we are feeling extremely blessed by our circumstances. When life gives you lemons...

So, up first, the house. I'll show you the most recent pictures taken last Saturday. You tell me if you think it's ready to host Brooks' first birthday party on Saturday (insert "shocked face" emoji). 


Yeah, me neither.

The good news is, the tile is done in the bathroom, the vanity is being made, the paneling is now up on the walls so all we are waiting for is the marble top to be manufactured and the sink and toilet to go in. All you really need for a party is a bathroom, right? It'll have to do since we most definitely will not have a kitchen. 

It looks like the rain has cleared up until Saturday, party day. So, hopefully, the painters can get the inside and outside painted during the next few days (again, hopefully). The floors have been patched and get refinished tomorrow, I believe. And the AT&T guy is coming on Friday to set up our cable and internet. That's right, you need a bathroom and cable for a party.

John and I are going to be moving the remainder of the furniture going upstairs this evening. Our guest room and playroom will be complete. I put our sofa together, by my lonesome, on Saturday. Winning!

And as if I already don't have enough on my plate, I decided to makeover a few pieces of furniture. I painted a headboard, a bedside table, a side table, and a dresser. More on that fun project later. 

Sunday was John's birthday. He turned 29 in the most understated way. Totally his style. But, I am planning on going all out next year for his 30th. It's a good thing Brooks' first birthday and his 30th didn't fall on the same year. I would have totally lost all my sanity. 

And speaking of little buddy's birthday, we are only THREE DAYS AWAY from it. My baby is about to be one. I cannot believe it. I will go ahead and say that I probably won't have his 12 month post ready for Friday. His party prep is first on my list! Time to get back to a little birthday crafting...

...AND packing! 

Wait, the baby's up.

1 comment:

  1. its coming together! your life sounds like our life now, or atleast in the next few weeks! Cant wait to see bday pics and the house! Looking good!


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