
Tuesday, November 5, 2013

There's not much substance to this post. It's just a little recap of our weekend; a wonderful weekend of life's simple pleasures.

On Friday Brooks and I went to the zoo with our cousins and rode the train for the first time. It was such a treat. Thanks Aunt Lea!

Brooks had a partay in the kitchen later that afternoon. I think at this point in the day we were both ready for daddy to come home! 

In an effort to save some money this holiday season, we elected Lea to be our official family photographer. She met us over at Shug and Pops' house on Saturday and snapped away with my camera. I am so thankful that she took the time to do that for us. This is the first time that we have taken an "official" family photo since Brooks was born. I will cherish these pictures for all of time. And will share them as soon as we send out our Christmas card. 

On Sunday we went to church. Poor Brooks cried as soon as I handed him over to the nursery staff. And then I cried. When I approached his room he was out in the hall, crying, and eating puffs. Poor baby. I have yet to pick him up from the nursery where he is not in tears. It breaks my heart, but John assures me that it is good for him. I know that it is good for him, but it is still hard. Can I get an amen?!

Sunday afternoon we gathered at the Virginia Samford Theatre in Highland Park for the Hydinger Family Reunion.  (Papa's mom was a Hydinger and married a Dyson). Let's just say there were a lot of people there that we had never met. We didn't stay too long, but it was good to see and meet some people in John's family that I had never met before.

In other news...

Last Wednesday John and I went to the house to do some more work. The bathroom was finally gutted, but the tile and debris remained. I think that they loaded the truck up on Thursday so I am eager to get over there this afternoon to see it "cleaned up." John met his dad over at the house Saturday morning to drop off some trim and he said it is looking really good! 

We also tore up the carpet on the stairs and discovered beautiful pine! I think that we are going to sand them to get them back down to their original state.

...and another sketch. We do a lot of planning and drawing up in here. 

Happy Tuesday!

1 comment:

  1. I send my little one (8 months) to the nursery at church and have since she was 3 months. I know it's hard but I promise it is the best thing for them. PK is really bad not to go to other people in general but the little things like church daycare really help. Plus, I keep babies in the nursery once a month and the parents that don't drop them off often have the babies that cry a little more at first. BTW, it's great yall go to church- that's a marriage blessing in itself!!!!!


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