
Friday, November 1, 2013

How many pictures of your baby wearing his or her Halloween costume is too much? 25? Okay, good. Here are 23 pictures of Brooks dressed up as McDreamy, McCutie, McCuddly, McLovey, what have you, for ole All Hallows' Eve. 

Our little surgeon is the most adorable doctor in all the land; north, south, east, to west. And I'm pretty sure he would have racked up a lot of candy if he went door to door trick-or-treating. But, mommy kind of failed on his first Halloween. Instead of partaking in the festivities, we went to dinner with some of my girlfriends to see and spend time with our dearest Lacey while she is in town visiting from Colorado! I'll do better next year, buddy!

And on a final note, I bought 3 big bags of Snickers, Butterfingers, and Kit Kats for John to hand out to the kiddos in the neighborhood while we were gone. Guess what? Not ONE.SINGLE. treater came to the door. Not one! So, someone please come get this candy out of my house before I eat it all. Please.


  1. How do you manage to be a mom and update your blog so much? I am so impressed. :) Also, I am pretty new to editing pics but I know photoshop real well, how do you always achieve such brilliant lighting in all your pics? Thanks in advance!

    1. NAP TIME! :) Brooks takes an hour and a half nap in the a.m. That's when I clean up, shower, eat breakfast, do laundry, etc. He takes a 2 hour nap in the afternoon and that's "my time" to workout, relax, blog. I am thankful for those naps. I shoot in RAW, Aperture Priority, and adjust exposure when shooting to get this best light. And when you shoot in Raw it's easy to adjust exposure and brightness in Photoshop. Hope this helps!

  2. Those two little teeth are so cute!!! He was the cutest little surgeon ever. My friend got me a similar outfit so Murphy can match her daddy, and I've got put her in it before she's too big! So so cute!

    1. Oh my, how precious! You are going to have to take lots of pictures of her in it. I can't wait to see them!


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