eleven month favorites.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

This month's favorites are things that make my life a little bit easier and Brooks' life a lot more fun. He still plays with most of his favorites from previous months. We haven't really added anything new. I mean, he would rather play with tupperware and colanders than with the gillions of toys in his baskets. 

1. Cushioned Bath Mat by Ginsey - We finally got rid of the Puj and replaced it with this slip-proof bath mat. I love that it has suction cups to keep it from sliding around because these days Brooks is all over the tub. I also like that it is porous so the water drains right through. John doesn't use it. He thinks that if Brooks slips and falls that it will condition him not to do it again. Ummm, yeah. I DO use it. And it makes bath time a lot less stressful.

2. Skip Hop Whale Bath Spout Cover - BPA Free, Phthalate Free, and PVC Free. It fits great on our wide spout, protects Brooks from bangs and boos, and is super cute. I love that it matches our kneeler mat and Brooks loves playing with it too.

3. Green Toys My First Tugboat - While we are on the topic of bath goodness, this boat is the according to Brooks. He gets so tickled when we make tugboat sounds. This toy is fun for the bath and I know it will be fun for the pool too!

4. My First Farm: Let's Get Working! board book - Has tabs focused on animals, tractors, crops, and barns; everything that our little one is really into these days. It is his go-to book. And I like to think that because of this book Brooks now says, "Woo Woo" when we ask him what a doggy says, "Boooooo" when we ask him what a cow says, and makes the piggy noise with his nose when we are what a pig says.

5. Raggedy Ann Doll - So, our Raggedy Ann looks nothing like this Raggedy Ann because, well, she is 28 years old. The last time we were in Atlanta my mom brought out my old doll for Brooks to play with and he was instantly drawn to her. So, she now resides in our toy basket. Brooks pulls her out, drags her across the room, gives her "love," and then drags her to the other side of the room, and the cycle continues. It is precious.

6. B. Parum Pum Pum Drum - Again, we want our child to be musically inclined and he is, he really is. He loves to dance to music and now, thanks to the Parum Pum Pum Drum he can join in with the band. He loves the little Shaka eggs and bee maraca and owns the drumsticks. At the rate that he is going, he is either going to be a weather man or a drummer when he grows up.

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