
Thursday, November 7, 2013

House update! YEA-AH!

I am starting to see some serious progress at the house. It has been a slow process seeing that John is doing the majority of the work and that his actual work takes precedence over the cottage. But, his framers had a full day of work yesterday and are over there finishing up today. And if I remember correctly, the plumber and HVAC subs are getting started tomorrow or the beginning of next week.

I'm sorry for the dark pictures, but the electrical is cut off and it is so dark come late afternoon. 

YAY for a bigger kitchen! 
The door in the kitchen is gone-zo. The new laundry/mudroom is starting to take shape. The bathtub is no more, and all of the tile and pesky concrete is officially ripped out of the bathroom. We discovered a bit of rotten wood, but nothing worth making us take any steps back.

The tile surrounding the fireplace is gone too. It already looks so much better! We are thinking about doing some paneling above the fireplace and have been playing around with material options.

Our next step is to pick out countertops, hardware, and the remaining light fixtures.

As far as family life goes, Brooks has been under the weather. It seems like Brooks gets the gunk every time we put him in the nursery at church. On Monday I noticed some minor coughing and sneezing and come Tuesday night, snot hit the fan. Brooks was up between 2:00-4:30 and then up for good at 5:30. Last night he had an episode around 12:30 and after about 40 minutes of rocking him he went back down until 7:00. This morning he skipped his nap and is finally snoozing as I speak (after a bad fall, some snuggles from mama, and being rocked to sleep).

...this pretty much sums up the last few days. I hope my angel baby starts to feel better soon.

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