well and checked up.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Check Up: 18 months

Date: 6-16-14

Weight: 25.5 pounds (66th percentile)

Height: 31 inches (10th percentile)

Head Circumference: 46.7 centimeters (31st percentile)

Immunizations: DTaP vaccine - I feel ya, buddy. Let's commiserate.

Other than a minor meltdown and clinging to me like a leech (I swear, he would suck my blood if he could), I'd say Brooks' 18 month well check-up went great. He is perfectly healthy and sloooooowly growing, but growing nonetheless. The red patch on his cheek was diagnosed as excema, so we are trying out a calendula cream. If that doesn't work, we will try hydrocortisone and hopefully get those cheeks looking kissable and pinchable again. We don't go back to the doctor until B-man is TWO, so that kind of put a dagger in my heart...

An 18 month update is coming soon!


  1. Your little man is so stinking cute! Boys are busy, aren't they!? Both my kids have eczema and with the baby I have found that cortizone eczema clears hers up quickly. I get it at target or amazon. Can't wait to see pictures of your growing family!!!

    1. Thank you so much, Katie! SO busy. I can't keep up! I am definitely going to look into that. At this point we are desperate and I feel like we have tried everything. Thank you for your great advice! Hope y'all are doing well. XO.


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