rounding the corner.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

I am rounding the corner both literally and physically. At 36 weeks 4 days I am only a few days shy of being considered full term and looking like I swallowed an entire Butterball turkey. There are times when I feel like I swallowed a turkey too.

Mmmmm. Speaking of, I cannot wait to chow down on turkey this week. Stomach growling as we speak.

Anyway, D-Day is drawing near and I could not be more ready. I had my 36 week appointment on Monday, which consisted of a measurement of my uterus, listening to the heartbeat, and a Group B Strep Culture. Dr. Stradtman asked me what our Thanksgiving plans were and when I said, "Yeah, I wanted to ask you about that..." her brows furrowed. The "plan" was to travel to Atlanta to visit with my family since it has been ages since I have seen them and also because we'll have a new baby boy at Christmas (which tends to cramp one's travel style). Doc was not down with that. Not one bit. With that being said, she decided to go ahead and check me to see if I have progressed any.

Here's the shocker...

I am already a little over a centimeter dilated, 80% effaced and at -1 station (at 0 station baby's head is fully engaged). Dr. Stradtman asked, "Are you sure you haven't had any contractions?!"

Just when I thought I could still muster up a short vacay to the parentals at my own risk, my "plan" was completely thrown out the window. It could be any day now. IT COULD BE ANY DAY NOW! Chew, swallow, regurgitate, chew swallow, regurgitate. 

If Brooks decides that he isn't ready to come any time soon, which may very well be the case, I go back to the doctor on Monday to see if I have progressed any further (and to get my culture results, of course).

So how is that for a kick in the pants? CRAZY. I am hoping to run many errands today to tie up loose ends and get to where I am feeling prepared enough for Brooks' entrance into this world. Hopefully my body will cooperate!


  1. So excited for you! and I love the chicken wire frame!

  2. Wow!!! That is so exciting! Happy Thanksgiving!

    1. Thank you, Anna! I hope y'all had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Bumpdate please!

  3. Lauren.. You look great!! I'm so excited for y'all! Not much longer :)

    1. Thanks Katie! Congrats on the twinkies! I hope to see you and your belly soon.


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