claim to fame.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Oh, you want my autograph? Not every one at once, please...

Last Tuesday night, John and I took the OB/Hospital Tour at Brookwood Hospital to familiarize ourselves with the facility and get more information on what to expect while delivering there. We are not partaking in any prepared childbirth classes so I wanted to be somewhat braced for what's to come. Upon arrival I noticed a camera crew, but didn't think anything of it. While we were waiting on the tour to begin one of the nurses made an announcement that CBS42 news would be following us during the tour to film a little segment on the new facility. We were okay with that. Just as long as we didn't get any one-on-one face time...

When the tour wrapped up we breathed a sigh of relief and started to make our way towards the elevators. Oh no, no. Not so fast, Lauren and John. Right when we thought we were in the clear, Shanisty approached us and asked if we would mind answering some questions in front of the camera. Fabulous. The rest is pretty much a blur. John and I walked out of the hospital shaking our heads saying, "what in the world just came out of our mouths?!" Let's just say, we both don't do well speaking in public nor in impromptu situations.

Yesterday I got an email from an old co-worker who told me we were on the morning news. Our claim to fame, baby! I was pretty excited that we got some air-time because I have never been on TV before...that is, until I actually watched it during the 5:00 news! HA. Definitely not our shining moment. It's still a fun story to tell Brooks one day! Here are some still shots from the segment that I recorded:

John: "She answered all of my questions so I'm pretty excited about it."

HAHA, I'm sure you are, John...I'm sure you are.

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