sore feet.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

The move. The move.

The move into our new home went well, but I cleaned the entire townhome and filled up the closets on Thursday. Friday, the movers, a.k.a. John and Hector, emptied our storage unit. Furniture was set in place and I started the tedious task of emptying boxes. By Saturday afternoon all boxes were emptied and everything was pretty much put into place. On Sunday, John started hanging pictures and mirrors, we made a trip to Target and Home Depot to pick up a few odds and ends, and stocked up our fridge. Whew. We are adjusting to our new home nicely and hopefully by the weekend we will be completely settled, except for the nursery, that is. I am making great strides, however. 

I would not recommend being on your feet from dawn til dusk if you are pregnant. My stubbornness and O.C.D. got the best of me and now my feet, hips, and lower back are suffering the consequences. I exaggerate not when I say that the soles of my feet and top of my toes are BRUISED. On Saturday I attempted to wear socks with an additional sock padding on the heel. Didn't help. My Uggs felt great for about 5 mintues before my feet started sweating. Come Sunday I was limping around in so much pain I had to grit my teeth with every step. I guess that's the price you pay when you move at 28 weeks pregnant with an extra 24 pounds slapped on.

Here are a few pics of the progress made on our new abode:

...getting there!

1 comment:

  1. Love the new home! As for the soreness after a day full of moving and cleaning...I know the feeling! We have had a couple of events at our house and the day after both of them, I could hardly move! Glad we are in the countdown!


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