tuesday's ramblings.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

We made a decision on the rug for the new bebe's nursery! And the winner is...

...the Key Wool Dhurrie from West Elm! It was pretty much meant to be. I got an email on Friday saying that select rugs were 30% off and guess which rug was one of that lucky (for me) bunch?! This jewel. John and I spent some time up at the Summit on Saturday and dipped in West Elm to see if they had it in the store so we could see it in person, and they did! We both loved it even more up close and personal. The store is going to order it for me in an 8x10 and have it shipped at no cost. So, basically, I came out spending the same as I would have on the Target rug, which is waaaay cheaper than the Land of Nod rug. With the money saved, John and I are going up to Florence this weekend to nab an antique armoire I found on Craigslist! And I even have change leftover to purchase the new crib. SCORE.

And while we are on the topic of Casa de Bryant, John finally built the shelves for the kitchen this weekend! I am so blessed to have a handy hubby. Here is a measly iPhone picture of the finished product:

The wood is antique oak, which is the same material that we built the hood out of. I just love the rustic elements that break up my all white kitchen. A full kitchen reveal coming soon!

As you can see, we had a productive weekend, knocking to-dos off our list. We also had time to enjoy the sunshine and warmer temps. Saturday evening we went on a walk and ended up at one of our local favs, Little Donkey, for dinner and capped the night off at Steel City Pops. John and Brooks shared a Vanilla Bean SCP and Brooks, well, the boy was in heaven. He would close his eyes and open his mouth for another lick until the pop was gone. It was so funny.

On Sunday we did the usual—church, lunch, and naps (a.k.a. mommy cleans). When Brooks got up we took him to the zoo to see the elephants and the lions, both of which he is obsessed with these days.

Yesterday I had my 16 week appointment (at 16 weeks, 6 days). I listened to the baby's heartbeat on the doppler, which was music to my ears. Everything is on track and looking good. I scheduled our 20 week ultrasound for March 31st. Too bad we still aren't finding out the sex and little baby no-name will remain nameless! Though, I finally had a dream last night that I took an Intelligender test and the result said BOY. I guess my subconscious, along with the rest of the world, is leaning towards blue.

After my appointment—this babe loves selfies. 
And here I am at 17 weeks. Please excuse the "no-makeup/lounge clothes" look. I wanted to snap a pic first thing in the morn to accurately portray the bump.

Happy Tuesday, y'all.

Yee to the haw.

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