
Thursday, March 13, 2014

Spring being right around the corner has added a little spring to our steps these past couple of weeks. The snippets of warmer days have made me want to 1. shout hooray 2. do a happy dance 3. spend all afternoon outside 4. go on lunch dates with my little man and 5. nest. The not so warm days have made me want to 1. curl up with Brooks and watch cartoons 2. take lots of selfies with my main sqeezette 3. build forts and 4. take siestas.


Today is yet another crisp day, so here I blog. JBB and I also did a little bit of St. Patrick's Day crafting earlier this afternoon. Successful? Eh. Let's just say that he wasn't as into the paint this go around. It could be the restriction. Yes, definitely the restriction of his green paws.

The handprint four-leaf clover doesn't really look like a four-leaf clover. Therefore, we will meet daddy at the door with big smiles and present it to him. It will then make it's way to the fridge. The thumbprint clover, though, turned out too cute. 

While I was cleaning up in the dining room, Brooks went exploring around the house. It was really quiet until I heard his hands and feet climbing up the stairs. When I approached the stairs to scold him, he heard me make my way around the corner and said, "uh oh!" Next thing I know those little extremities moved at the speed of lightening trying to get back down to safety. It was so funny. I then popped his little bottom and he walked around for the next minute rubbing his hiney. Can we say, dramatic much?!

So, that scenario and this... 

...pretty much sums up my life these days. (I'll save that for a whole new post on life with a 15 month old).

And just so we don't leave out shweet wittle baby no-name, here is an 18 week bumpdate. 

How far along? 18 weeks

Size of baby: 5 1/2 inches (the length of a bell pepper)
What is Baby No-Name up to? This little one is busy flexing his or her arms and legs—movements that I should start noticing more in the weeks ahead. Baby's blood vessels are visible through thin skin, and his or her ears are now in their final position. A protective covering of myelin is beginning to form around the nerves; a process that will continue for a year after our babe is born. 
Weight: 116. I have only gained 4 pounds at this point in the game.
Maternity clothes? Yep. But, still rocking most non-maternity tops and some bottoms. I typically live in maternity leggings and tanks.
Sleep: Sleep is so/so. I wake up around 2:30 every morning. Some nights I get up to go to the bathroom and some nights I take a sip of water and lay back down. The nights that I get up, it's pretty much game over. I also have been having vivid dreams. John said I was talking in my sleep the other night and flailing my arms in the air like a mad woman.
Movement: I definitely thought that I would be feeling jabs already this go-around. This ain't my first rodeo. But, I really haven't felt much. There have been a couple of instances where I thought I felt some movement, but I'm not 100%.
Best moment this week: The 78 degree weather we had on Tuesday. Glory glory! I had too much fun playing with Brooks outside and taking him to lunch that day.
Cravings and aversions: Umm, I am leaning towards salty and savory food lately. Cheese puffs, popcorn, blood orange juice, and granola are high up on the list of yummies. I have also enjoyed a sweet...or ten. *Cough. Fun Dip. Cough.*
Gender: I am leaning towards girl, but the rest of mankind (and the Chinese Gender Calculator) thinks boy. I have had two dreams, now, that it is a baby boy. Time will tell. Literally.
What I miss: As far as food goes, I don't really miss much because I am not as much of a freak about what I put in my body as I was with my first pregnancy. If I had to pick something it would be energy. I miss not feeling tired all of the time.
Symptoms: Round ligament pain, cramping, constant insatiable hunger, utter exhaustion, and breakouts.
Mood: So happy. Too much to be thankful for to be bitter.
What I am looking forward to: Feeling the babe move and our beach trip next week!!!

And just for fun...a look back at my pregnancy with Brooks at 18 weeks:

How far along? 18 weeks
Size of baby: 5 1/2 inches (the length of a bell pepper)
What is Baby Bryant up to? Baby Bryant is busy flexing arms and legs—movements that I should start noticing more in the weeks ahead! Baby's blood vessels are visible through thin skin, and his or her ears are now in their final position. A protective covering of myelin is beginning to form around the nerves; a process that will continue for a year after our babe is born.
Weight: 126. WOW. However, I did weigh myself this morning and my weight is down to 123—I think I'm just fluctuating at the moment.
Maternity clothes? Yes! But, still rocking most maternity tops, dresses, and some bottoms.
Sleep: I have been falling asleep pretty quickly this week—I have been working more, walking more, and not resting as much on the couch in the evenings so I have been more tired come bedtime. I have been waking up around 3:00 a.m. each morning and then it takes me a good 30 minutes or so to fall back asleep. Still having some pretty crazy dreams.
Movement: I am almost 97% sure I felt Baby Bryant kick this week! It kind of felt like a little tickle from the inside. It happens around dinner time when I'm sitting down on the couch. LOVE IT.
Best moment this week: Hearing Baby Bryant's hearbeat at my 18 week appointment and scheduling our 20 week ultrasound—July 27! WOOHOO!
Cravings and aversions: Sweets, sweets, and more sweets. Will this ever change?! Provide me with dessert each night and I am one happy camper. My appetite is definitely increasing too.
Gender: I am still leaning towards a girl. I had a dream last night that we had a little precious petunia.
What I miss: Hot dogs, again. And turkey sandwiches—they would be so convenient!
Symptoms: Cramping...lots of cramping. I have also been feeling some round ligament pain here and there. I had a moment this week in the grocery store—my stomach cramped up so tight that I had to bend over. It was kind of scary! My face looks awful—I'm breaking out again (forehead, around the mouth, chin, nose, under my name it).
Mood: Happy! I feel so blessed.
What I am looking forward to: More consistent kicks and jabs! And of course, finding out what our little one is!

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