extra extra.

Thursday, July 17, 2014 all about it! If you wish.

I have had the best of intentions to give a "Project Lancaster" update, but as soon as I take pictures of the progress, by the time I am able to sit down to blog about it, more progress has been made...and the cycle continues. I took a handful of pictures last night and, of course, the floors in the new master bedroom already have one coat of stain on them! Such is life.

We are counting down the days until the addition and renovation are wrapped up. 3 days, to be exact. We were actually supposed to move in this weekend, but the floors are taking longer than expected thanks to my pregnant self and the babe Brooks. The fumes are a bit too strong to put a sealer on in the evening, so they are having to put on a coat one day, sealer the next, coat one day, sealer the next. Better to be safe than sorry!

As of today, the walls are painted, the tile in both bathrooms are finished, the floors downstairs have one coat of stain, and the floors upstairs are getting a final sand and should have a coat by day's end. I haven't had a chance to mention yet that when John ripped out the carpet while Brooks and I were at the lake over the holiday weekend, he discovered beautiful pine floors! WINNING. So, we are only installing carpet (seagrass) in the upstairs bedroom.

Here is a view of the addition from the back of the house:

An updated picture of the front of the house, with our new roof (new gutters and light post coming soon):

Master suite: 

Upstairs guest suite:

Playroom and bonus room:

The electricians and plumbers can't come until the floors are finished so they'll be here on Monday and Tuesday, the same days we are planning on getting settled. Hopefully by next weekend, the nursery will be complete, the house will be clean, and I can kick my feet up and breathe a sigh of relief. Thank you and amen.

And speaking of the littlest one, I painted the dresser (that's chilling in the dining room) a few weekends ago, lined the drawers last week and started filling them up with baby goodness the other day. The size of these newbie diapers made my blood pressure go up a tad. I may or may not have had a mild panic attack. 

It's just like riding a bike, right?! We are almost ready for you, sweets! 


  1. Your addition is looking great! I can't wait to see the final pics. Ok, I have to ask how you have stayed so fit during your pregnancy (besides chasing Brooks around)?! You look amazing!! I still need to get in shape and I'm not pregnant :)

    1. Thank you, Anna! I can't wait for it to be finished. And I'm not sure what picture you are looking at to think that?! HA! Because I have gained 39 pounds, my thighs touch, and I can hardly get on my rings this past week! The only form of exercise I get in is walking a few days a week, sometimes more and lifting up Brooks who is extremely attached to me right now. Thanks for the boost of confidence though! Maybe in my next pregnancy I'll workout. ;)

    2. You look amazing!!! I can't wait to see pictures of that precious baby when he/she makes its arrival!


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