house hunt.

Friday, September 27, 2013

We have been on a long-drawn-out hunt for a lot to build on or a house to make our home. We have been searching, discussing, praying, and yearning for an entire year to be exact. There have been several houses that we really liked, but have been way over our budget. There have been lots that were the perfect size, but not on the most desirable street or vice versa. There was one house that we thought was the one, but it went under contract right before we could make an offer. The Lord definitely had different plans and because we know that His ways are always good (but not always easy), we moved on.

With a track record like ours, it is incredibly easy to get discouraged and there have been times when we were on the brink of losing hope. But, our faith remains. God has a plan for our little family and if He wants us to rent the townhouse for another year or two, or ten, then we have to trust that our work here, in Inverness Cove, is not done. We know that we are ready, but He may not be.

So, when we drove by a cute little cottage in Homewood with a For Sale By Owner sign in the front yard, we were optimistic, but not overzealous. John called the number on the sign and a sweet woman answered informing us that the house was still for sale and welcomed us to come by the next week to look at it.

That day was a Tuesday. Brooks and I met John in the front yard at 2:30. We walked up to the house and knocked, but nobody answered. John opened the door and hollered and from the back of the house Ms. Retha prompted us to come on in. We toured the house, had a nice chat, and left encouraged. We loved the house and could both see its potential. It felt like home, it really did. So much so, that before we reached the car, John turned around and headed back into the house to make a verbal offer.

Unfortunately, it wasn't that easy. You see, there was another couple extremely interested in the house. After we submitted a contract, they submitted a contract and for a week we countered against each other in hopes to get the house. We were put in a situation where we really had to rely on the Lord, whatever the outcome. I even found myself praying for the other couple because I knew that their hearts were invested, too, and I didn't want anyone to be dispirited. It was emotionally exhausting, but the possibilities were exciting.

The afternoon after we both presented our "best contract" Brooks and I went to the Fresh Market to pick up a few things for dinner. I was on the phone with my friend Sarah when a text message from John came through. When I got off the phone with her, I opened his message and our convo went a little something like this:

Yep, that's right! Ms. Retha chose us (and I cried in the produce section of the grocery store)! 

The contract is signed, the inspection is complete, and I may or may not have purchased drapes for the living room. We don't close until October 18th, but it is looking promising! Both John and I are so excited and cannot wait to get the keys and make this house our home.

She is perfectly imperfect...clearly needing some work! 
We are incredibly thankful and feel so blessed to even have the chance at homeownership. We are both looking forward to this next season in our lives!


  1. Still so excited for y'all! :) Can't wait to see it!

    1. Thank you Margie! I cannot wait to have you over!

  2. Yay! That is great! What street are yall moving to? You will love it and I know John will make it look awesome.

    1. We are SO excited to be moving back to Homewood. We have been missing it! The house is on Lancaster. Thanks Carrie!

  3. Congratulations!! I miss Homewood so much.

    1. Thanks Anna! We are so excited. Homewood misses you--wish y'all were still living there so you and Murphy could join our play dates!


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