fallin' for fall.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Yesterday was the first day of Fall! Can I get a "hollaaaaa!?" The season of football, crock-pot meals, Pumpkin Spice Lattes, mums, the pumpkin patch, crisp days and cooler nights, boots, and falling leaves. It doesn't get much better...

Even though our sweet baby boy is sick with fever (going on three days is breaking my heart), that didn't stop us from getting out for some family fun to welcome Fall and enjoy the amazing weather yesterday. We went to lunch at Mudtown, shopped around at the Summit, then went to Veteran's Park for a walk and to feed the ducks and turtles.

During Brooks' afternoon nap I did a little bit of crafting and decorating. I would say that we are ready for Halloween and Thanksgiving at the Bryant household!



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