vacay with the babay.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

To say that we had a good time on our summer vacay is an understatement. We have been home for two days now and I am already ready to go back! 

Last Wednesday morning, Katie Beth and I loaded up our boys and a whole lotta baby gear and ventured to Carillon Beach for a fun little getaway and last hurrah of the summer. It was raining upon arrival so we unpacked, the boys napped, and we waited on Catherine Botsford and her little miss, Ann Lewis, to arrive. That evening the six of us went to George's for dinner. (We all know how I feel about George's. YUMMO). 
The next morning we went to Caliza Pool in Alys Beach to see one of my favorites, Anne Marie, and her precious family. It was a definite highlight of my trip!
Phi Mu's for life!
The next two days were spent at the beach and poolside. More pool and less beach for the Bryants, however. Brooks wasn't too keen on being contained in a tent and is still too bitty to understand that sand is not food and that it belongs on your feet...not in your mouth.

I certainly loved my time with Katie Beth and Catherine, as well as my one-on-one time with my little prince, but  come Friday I was counting down the hours and minutes until my significant other arrived. Both Brooks and I were so excited to see John!

We hated to see the weekend come to an end and say our goodbyes to the Owens and Botsfords. We made so many memories that will last us a lifetime: delicious dinners out and drinks with great company, playing games until the wee hours and staying up way past our bedtimes, fun in the sun and in the sand, and loving on each other's babies. I cannot wait until next year's trip!

John and I decided to stay down at the beach until Monday morning. Sunday was a sweet day spent as a family. I am so thankful for that time shared! And it made me realize that I love my boys too much.

And, of course, I couldn't leave the beach without snapping a few pictures of my sweet baby boy with my big camera...

Oh my. He is so edible.

Now...who's ready for fall?


  1. glad y'all had fun!!! and that brooks. my oh my could he be any cuter??!! wishing our time together was longer :(


    1. Thank you Kate! Loving keeping up with your sweet family! XO.

  3. It kills me how cute Brooks is!!!!

    1. Thanks Anna :) I'm ready to see Murphy's beach pics!


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