grocery cart.

Saturday, June 29, 2013

On Thursday, Brooks graduated from being nestled in the Moby Wrap to sitting up like a big boy in the grocery cart! Our hands on boy no longer tolerates snuggling up to mama in the Moby—his head jerks from side to side and those little hands want to reach for everything in sight. Our last trip to Publix was a disaster, to put it mildly. We lost a burp cloth, a pacifier...and our patience.

Now that Brooks is sitting up on his own, I figured it was time to let him sit in the cart. Also, to be honest, I saw a woman in Buy Buy Baby the other day with what looked like a four month old sitting in the buggy seat, looked down at my six month babe whose feet were hanging out of the car seat (attached to the stroller) and thought, "it's time."

Lucky for me, Brooks LOVED it! Our first trip to Publix like a true mom and son team was a success. Oh, and if you are a germ freak like me and John (especially John...shocker), invest in a highchair/shopping cart cover. They are super cute, easy to use, and get the job done. Ours is the Itzy Ritzy Ritzy Sitzy in "Rodeo Drive." We also have the Itzy Ritzy wet bag and you better believe when Brooks is ready for snacks we will invest in the snack bags too!

1 comment:

  1. Way to go Brooks! He looks so cute sitting in the grocery cart!


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