bugs bunny.

Friday, June 14, 2013

This morning we went to see our pediatrician for Brooks' six month well check-up.

Our little, and I do mean little, buddy has grown one inch and has gained two pounds since his last appointment two months ago. He is weighing in at 16 pounds, 8 ounces (16th percentile) and is 25 inches tall (10th percentile).

Brooks may be small, but he sure is mighty.

Our wiggle worm wanted to grab everything in sight. Embarrassed by the wrinkled and torn paper, I finally gave him the diaper wipes to keep him occupied until the doctor came in. As soon as she approached him, he was a little angel and laid still for his entire check-up. Doc, please tell me your secret.

Despite a few fusses and pouts (until he spotted mama), his check-up went and I am thankful to announce that we have one perfectly healthy and happy six month old. Well, happy until he got his shots...

Poor baby Brooks had to get his third round of immunizations (Pediarix, Hib, Rota, and Prevnar), which included three pricks this go around—two on his left leg and one on his right. After the first shot he let out a scream, his face turned tomato red, and he cried so hard that he couldn't catch his breath. Insert: heartbreak. It wasn't until I picked him up that he was able to exhale and calm down. When we got home he was still fussy and didn't take down his bottle well. He is napping as we speak and I am praying that he feels better when he wakes up.

On the plus side, Brooks did tell me that he can't wait until daddy gets home so he can show him his "battle wounds" and his really cool Bugs Bunny bandaids...

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