
Thursday, April 4, 2013

This year, we enjoyed a laid back Easter weekend of no traveling (kind of) and lots of family time. On Saturday, we ventured to Calera for a BIG ol' feast at the farm with the Bryants. 

On Sunday we celebrated the Joy and the Promise of Easter. We took Brooks to church for the first time and he did great! He got a bit fussy during worship (it was really loud and just happened to fall during his nap time) so I had to step out and rock him to sleep, but he quickly dozed off and slept throughout the entire message. Afterwards, we went to Shug and Pops for lunch. The rest of the afternoon was spent lounging...just the way I like it.

We are so thankful for the Resurrection of Jesus Christ and praise God for the ultimate reassurance that death has been defeated! HE IS RISEN! He is risen indeed.

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