the hospital bag.

Monday, February 4, 2013

This post has been on my heart since the day we came home from the hospital. I really want to help out my future mommy friends and other mothers-to-be as much as possible. We learn from our own mistakes, right? While I wouldn't really categorize overpacking your hospital bag(s) a mistake, I do wish that I would have packed and prepared differently. It's not a good sign when your husband has to make several trips to the car to gather your belongings or the nurse asks you if you were planning on staying indefinitely...

With that being said, I have put together a list of hospital bag must-haves, as well as items to leave behind: 

1. leggings - Yes, I lived in leggings during my pregnancy and yes, I am living in them postpartum too. I packed two pairs and wore both—one pair during my hospital stay and one pair for the trip home. If you plan on having several visitors, you aren't going to want to be walking around in just a nighty or hospital gown so these are a must. Plus they are super comfy.

2. medela ibreastfeed app - This app is a life-saver. You would think that the nurses would keep up with your little one's pees and poos, but they don't. One of my nurses actually asked me what time Brooks last had a BM and if it weren't for the Log on this app I would have had no clue. Trust me, keeping up with diaper changes and which breast you last nursed or pumped on is close to impossible when you're running on no sleep, dealing with postpartum issues of your own, and devoting 100% of your time and energy to your newborn.

3. hanes cotton boyshorts (2 3-packs) - I never invested in maternity intimates. Luckily, my rump didn't grow too much and I was able to wear my already-owned skivvies throughout my entire pregnancy. However, I didn't want to pack my nice panties in fear that they would get ruined (got this tidbit of information from other "what to pack" lists) so I picked up 6 pairs of good ol' Hanes boyshorts. Cheap and comfortable! The hospital provides you with the mesh underwear, which I did take advantage of on day 1, but you are going to want to wear something a bit more "secure" down there once you shower and put on regular clothes. I wore them for several weeks when we got home too. In my opinion, they house a pad best. Oh, and your undies won't get ruined, FYI. So if you already own a pair of cotton britches, pack them and don't worry about running to the store. 

4. sleep shirts or nursing gowns (2) - One for each night. You may prefer to stay in your hospital gown and that is a.o.k., but I felt so much better getting washed up and putting on "normal" clothes. I packed sleep shirts, which worked great, but I wish that I had invested in nursing gowns instead. It makes those nighttime feedings that much easier.

5. chapstick - You are going to want chapstick with you at all times during your stay. TRUST ME. During labor you are only allowed to munch on ice chips so you start to feel a bit dehydrated and need something to wet your pallet every so often. Post-labor you are even more thirsty. (Seven weeks later and I am still thirsty).

6. nursing bras (2) - You'll need one pair for your second day in the hospital and one for the trip home. I would have ex-nayed the bras all-together, but your guests don't want to see your business. And plus, you'll want the extra support. I purchased both the snap-down nursing bras, as well as the cross-over and much prefer the snap-down bras. You'll want to buy nursing tanks, as well, but won't need these while at the hospital. Lastly, get a size larger than you think that you will need. If your bra or nursing tank is too tight, this can cause clogged milk ducts. 

7. pillow from home with patterned or colored pillowcase - You are going to want your own pillow and your husband will too. Just be sure to put a patterned or colored pillowcase on them so the maids don't confuse them with the pillows provided by the hospital.

8. robe - You aren't going to need a robe for warmth (your raging hormones will satisfy in that department), but you are going to want one for modesty if you're a robe-wearing kinda gal. 

9. socks - Socks go hand-in-hand with slippers (#12). You aren't going to want your bare feetsies to touch the floor.

10. diaper bag - You won't need your diaper bag until your last day. And all you will need from it is a stroller blanket (for cooler months) or swaddle blanket (for warmer months) and your precious pea's going-home outfit. To be honest, pack those two things in your bag and leave the diaper bag in the car. 

11. vitamin water (for post-labor when they finally let you have a drink) and belvita breakfast biscuits - Both were consumed and enjoyed by myself and John. Especially the vitamin water. Like I mentioned earlier, you are going to be very thirsty and the apple, cranberry, and grape juice the hospital provides gets old fast.

12. slippers - When you are lying in the hospital bed you are not going to want to be sporting socks. Your feet are going to be sweating, along with the rest of your body, thanks to your hormones. So when you wake up in the middle of the night to use the restroom you are going to want a pair of slippers to slip on.

13. camera and/or video camera (we brought and used both) - these items go without saying. You are going to want to document this day. Period.

14. boppy pillow and slipcover - I mentioned this in my one month favorites, but I'll mention it again...Whether you are breastfeeding or bottle feeding, you are going to want this pillow for support. Especially for those late night feedings. 

Other must-haves not pictured:

toiletries and going-home outfit

Things that you DON'T need:

sanitary pads - trust me, the hospital will provide you with PLENTY.
any other article of clothing not pictured or listed  - you won't wear it.
jewelry - they will make you take it off during labor and you won't be getting gussied up after.
your entire make-up bag - only pack the necessities
onesies, hats, burp cloths, diapers, wipes, pacifiers - the hospital provides it ALL.
lansinoh lanolin - they'll provide this too.
computer or iPad - your phone will do the trick. Believe me when I say that between the commotion of the day, all of the visitors the rest of your stay, and most importantly, your precious bambino, you will be entertained enough.
towels - you will get fresh towels daily

I think that's it. I hope this helps!


  1. uummm, MEDELA breastfeeding app...AMAZING and couldn't live without it!!!

  2. This post helped me a lot! I've been laying out things to pack for the hospital trying to get organized and it's so nice to hear what was useful and not useful for you. Thanks for putting these tips on your blog!!


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