when the cat's away.

Friday, March 2, 2012

The ole saying, "when the cat's away, the mice will play" holds true in our household at the moment. I figured that with Goose being gone at the vet for a few days, Coco would be moping around the condo, missing her little bro. Yeah, not so much. Coco is a very laid back kitty. She spends most of her days sleeping—either on the bed, the chair in the living room, or on any blanket that she can find. An exciting day in the life of Coco is sitting on the window sill when the window is cracked open. Hopping from the bed to the sill is usually the most action she gets. She doesn't like "laser-time" or any other heart-pumping game. She tends to sit perched up somewhere and watch. If Coco could speak, she would be saying, "Oh, Goose. You silly child. Do you not know that the red dot is only a light that you will never tangibly catch?! This is why I do not bother. But, I must is quite fun watching you run around in circles until you fall over. Psh."

With Goose gone, Coco is a new woman. She is prancing around the condo, waving her tail from side to side, swirving in between our legs. Yesterday she walked into the living room with a TOY in her mouth. Yes, a toy. Due to her abnormal behavior, I had to catch it on video. This is too funny and far and few between not to share:

And lastly, a picture to share of her strange behavior...

Hiding, Cokie? 
Gotta love her.

I am off tomorrow afternoon to spend a night in Greenville (Alabama, that is) with my girlies. Can't wait! I hope that everyone has a great weekend! Be careful—the weather is looking a little iffy around these parts.

Wow, that sounded red.


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