easter project.

Monday, March 19, 2012

In early February, I got bit by the arts and crafts bug. I found some super cute ideas for Valentine's Day on the one and only Pinterest, but soon lost that lovely feeling. Well, friends, it's a soon-to-be new month with another holiday to be celebrated. Yep, I'm referring to EASTER! Easter is one of the greatest days that we honor in the Bryant household, as we are glorifying our Risen King!

As you all should know by now, I like banners. A lot. They are so lovely and festive. Last week, I decided in my spare time (which is hard to come by these days) to make a "Happy Easter" banner to hang in the condo! I had originally planned to hang it on the screen door behind the couch, but the finished result ended up being a tad bit larger than I had expected. The bigger the better, right?!

After a trip to Hobby Lobby, I came home with some chipboard letters and scrapbook paper. I already had the other materials from previous projects at home: jute, kraft paper, pencil, scissors, hot glue, and glue-stick.

Step 1: Trace the letters.

Step 2: Cut out each letter.

Step 3: Cut out banner triangles. (I cut double-sided triangles to add weight so the paper did not curl up.)

Step 4: Insert twine or jute and hot glue the triangles together, forming one triangle.

Step 5: Using a glue-stick, glue on each letter to banner triangles.

Step 6: HANG!

 ...and there you have it! Easy as pie.

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