campbell: eleven months.

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Baby Camp, here were are entering the official countdown to ONE! My mama heart aches at the thought of you growing a day, a minute, or even a second older. But, as they say, what is coming is better than what is gone. So, I will choose to cling hard to the joys that tomorrow promises and while embedding the yesterdays, these bittersweet days, in my mind and my heart.

You love to be the center of attention, especially at the dinner table. You make Brooks and Ann Bennett laugh so hard by doing things like screaming, putting food in your hair, and, of course, throwing said food. And speaking of laughing, your Sissy gets the best cackles and gut laughs out of you. She really loves you, too, Bug. Sometimes too hard—but is the best sister and friend to you, always willing to entertain you if I need a few minutes. 

You started emerging from your so-called "shell" this month. You're loud, you're stubborn, and you're wily. You now throw tiny tantrums where you throw yourself on the ground. You swat our hands (and bottle) away when you've had enough. You love to hear us tell you no, just so you can toss another piece of food on the ground while maintaining eye contact—followed by a laugh. You stinker!

 Back to food…

You much prefer to feed yourself with your hands than eat pouches these days. I don't think that you have the patience for pouches anymore, plus, making messes on your tray (and throwing your food) is way more fun! You love any and all foods, especially pancakes, scrambled eggs, blueberries, and veggies. As for bottles, I was supposed to drop two last month, but haven't quite brought myself to do it yet. So, you still take four bottles a day, 6-8 ounces each. You will drink out of a sippy cup if it has a straw, but you aren't the best at actually swallowing what you put in your mouth. Most of the time, you spit it right back out.

You started standing up more on your own and really got the hang of cruising this month.  On May the 7th, you went from sitting to standing without holding on to anything. I don't think it will be long before we have a walker! 

You have been a fussy gussy as of late. You also developed a face rash on your right cheek and a runny nose. Add in a few sleepless nights and what do you get?! A new tooth! Your top right tooth finally broke through today. Your top left and a bottom left aren't far behind. This explains a lot! 

You celebrated you first We Love Homewood Day and Cinco De Mayo on May 5th. Your favorite part of the day was the parade! So many  new noises and fun things to look at. 

Earlier I touched on your love for Ann Bennett, but you really love your daddy. You practically jump out of my arms when he gets home every day. I don't blame you one bit, buddy. He is the best.

What do you love more than Daddy? Being outside! You especially love driving around in your truck and in the Gator with Brooks. Your love for the great outdoors reminds me so much of your brother at your age. Two peas!

I love you with my entire being, Campbell Bryant. In one month we will be singing Happy Birthday to you and I cannot wait to re-live the day we first held you in our arms. Happy 11 months, baby boy. 

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