she's three.

Thursday, August 17, 2017

You're a pip, Annie B. Looking back at your first few months with us, I mentioned once that you were as sweet as sugar with a side of spice. Not much has changed, little one! Your twos weren't terrible, but they were quite challenging. Mama doesn't want to dwell on the negative, but your behavior this past year is worth noting. I have a feeling we are going to look back on this post years from now and get a good laugh from it.

You are something else, AB. You typically wake up on the wrong side of the crib. You welcome me every morning with a pout or tears, or a "Where's Daddy?" Once you get breakfast in your tummy, you usually perk up a bit. This actually goes for every meal and snack. In a bad mood? Give you a snack. Fussy? Give you a snack. You have a huge appetite, eating adult-size portions at every meal. We never have to ask you to eat your veggies, they're usually the first things you go for on your plate, fruit being the last. You also love to help Mommy cook and are always asking if you can help me in the kitchen. 

As mentioned above, yes, you are still in a crib. We have ordered your bed and it should arrive in September or October, but we aren't in a hurry. When you sleep in the bed at the beach, you are up at 5:00 a.m. wandering around the house in the dark. This is new to me, as your brother stays put until someone comes to get him. I'm hoping the OK to Wake! clock will work with you, too, but I'm not going to get my hopes up! You are a good sleeper, though. Some mornings you will sleep until 8:00 a.m. You were a great napper, too, resting for about 3 hours, but in the last month that has changed and you have been fighting naps hard. By the time you fall asleep, it is time to get up and that just adds more crank to your already cranky pants. 

You love your brothers big. You and Brooks have become quite the little buddies. You love to play together, but the smiles and giggles last for only a few minutes before the whining, fighting, and tattling begins. You are always shouting, "you're not fair" or "Brooksie won't share" or "I'm not playing with you anymore." However, most of the time you are the instigator. You have been intentionally hurting and disobeying lately. What makes it worse is, you cannot say sorry for the life of you. We've got a big ol' heart issue going on at the moment. We are still trying to figure out a good way to discipline you. 

You were potty-trained around 2 1/2, but still have the occasional accident. You are also far from going diaper-less at nap and night time.

You may not get an A+ in potty training, but you sure can light up a room. You love to perform and be the center of attention. You can't identify your numbers or letters, but you can memorize every lyric to every song. You also love to dance. 

Although outgoing, you are also extremely sensitive. You live for affirmation. You absolutely light up when we praise you. 

You have FOMO: fear of missing out. My sweet girl, I promise I am not going to leave you, so please don't have a meltdown when you are trying to put your shoes on and I am grabbing my keys. Or when it's time to head upstairs to your room for bed. Again, I am not going to leave you. My legs are longer than yours, therefore I can get up the stairs faster. You won't even let me leave the bathroom when you are using the potty. I hear "hey guys, wait for me" and "don't leave me" at least ten times a day. 

Right now, you really love Elsa, makeup, jewelry, dress-up clothes, and your babies. You aren't a huge fan of playing outside, but that's because you get hot easily. Speaking of the heat, you love to swim. You started swimming without floaties at the beach this week and did so well. You have come so far since your first swim lesson with Mrs. Monica! 

You are so silly and keep me laughing all day. That is, when you're not making me cry…
You say and do the funniest things. Most of the videos on my phone are of you. Little Miss Personality!

You aren't big on physical touch, but do still ask me to hold you or "rock rock" every now and again. I love it so much and oblige as often as I can. Some other random facts: you currently want to grow your hair out like Rapunzel and color it yellow like Elsa. You are starting to take off your bows and won't let me put your hair in a pony or piggies anymore. You pray for "Mommy and Daddy and my family and Sybie and Coco (even though she's not with us anymore) and God and Jesus" every night. Sometimes you throw in some random things or people. You are a Daddy's girl. And you are loved.

I cannot believe you are THREE. You have enriched our lives so much and are such a blessing to us. We are better because of you. Happy Birthday, my darling Ann Bennett!

Let's pray year four is a little less dramatic, okay?

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