campbell: two months.

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Our Bug is two whole wonderful months. It is amazing how much he has changed in just four short weeks. A certain someone isn't a tiny little newborn anymore and he is starting to gain the rolls to prove it.

This month we packed away his newborn clothes. It was bittersweet for this mama. It is hard to believe this is the last time I will snap the buttons on those itty bitty sleepers and onesies. I would be lying if I said it didn't hurt my heart a little. But, with each closed door comes that next sweet milestone and it is so amazing to watch my babies blossom and discover this great big world. I just need to remind myself of this next month when I am packing away his 0-3 month outfits...

Camp not only went up a size in clothes, but he graduated from size 1 diapers to size 2 diapers with some room to grow.

We also started the Mom's On Call 4-8 Weeks schedule. It took Camp a couple of weeks to line up with what they were suggesting as far as sleep stretches go. His feedings range from 3-4 hours at night. It has been nice having a predicable schedule, however, most of our naps are still "on the go." He did take his first nap in the crib this month, on August 7th, and did great. I wish I could say the same for his crib naps the following day. Some days he sleeps well, some days I am running up the stairs 15 times to put his paci in or soothe him. Practice makes perfect! Hopefully by next month he will be an Allstar napper. 

Campbell had a couple of firsts this month: his first trip to the chiropractor and his first trip to the beach. As always, we had the best time in Carillon and were so excited to introduce our newest babe to the ocean. He loved it and spent most of his time snuggling with me in the shade. 

Every single person I come in contact with comments on Campbell's dark, beautiful skin tone. I promise, he did not see the sun at the beach, he is just a brown baby! We determined this month that his eyes are going to be brown, just like his skin. There's no denying that he is his father's son! 

Our sweet boy is still as happy as a lark. He is giving us more smiles and is starting to coo and babble a bit. I love our conversations, especially in the morning after his first feeding. This is his best time of day, for sure. But, really, he doesn't have a bad time of day. He is SO good. 

One more thing that I need to mention: his sneeze. At the end of every sneeze he lets out the faintest "who." I wish that I could get it on video because it is a sound I want to bottle up and remember forever!

You are definitely a slice of Heaven, Camp. Happy two months, sweet love! 

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