the kitchen.

Monday, July 27, 2015

I have gotten a few requests, as of late, to continue the home tour. I'm usually not one to start something and not finish it, but yeeps, life gets in the way sometimes! With that being said, thanks for the gentle shove, y'all.

The next room is, by far, one of my favorite rooms in the house.

Meet, the kitchen.

We lived a month-ish without a kitchen while undergoing renovations, so when I was reunited with a dishwasher, garbage disposal, oven, and cooktop, all was right with the world again. 

The kitchen is definitely where I spend the majority of my time. You can always find me in there cooking or washing dishes and sippy cups. It is also where most of our family dance parties occur. So, yeah, it's a pretty great room.

The countertops are Calcutta Gold marble and the walls and cabinets are painted Swiss Coffee, by Benjamin Moore. My mom and I sewed the linen sink skirt and pantry panels. John and I designed the hood and he built the open shelving. The light fixture above the island is from Scott Antique Market in Atlanta. It was a labor of love, but I am so happy with how it turned out! Comment below if you want any more resources. 


  1. Oh my gosh, I love it! You need to be an interior designer (in your free time, right? ha!) Is that shiplap as your backsplash?? LOVE!

    1. You are too sweet, Leighton! Yes, it is the same paneling that we have in our dining room, painted the same color as the wall and cabinets. Thanks! XO.

  2. So pretty, Lauren!!! You did a great job!

  3. couldn't' be anymore obsessed with your lovely new home and all the sentimental and thought out pieces! your forcing me to do some purging!! My parents are building a home and i was wondering where you ordered your faucet from? thank you!!

    1. Thank you! This is actually our old house across the street. New kitchen pics coming soon! The faucet is from Kenny & Company in Birmingham. My husband is a local builder, so we get somewhat of a discount there and other places. We purchased all plumbing fixtures for the new house at Ferguson, which I believe they have a showroom in Atlanta, as well.


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