eleven months: ann bennett.

Friday, July 17, 2015

My sweet baby girl, we are nearing the end of your first year. How can this be?! Month eleven brought about a lot of change—your first step, your first tooth, and finally learning how to clap. As much as I hate to admit it, my baby isn't so baby anymore. But, in a lot of ways you still are.

You still love to cuddle and be held. When I ask you to give me love, you head-butt your way onto my chest and leave it there until I'm satisfied. You also lean in when I ask you for a kiss. You give the best open-mouth kisses, sweet love of mine. 

And while I'm on the topic of lean-ins, when you see me get a bow out, ready to clip in your hair, you lean towards my hand to "help" me. You would think by this action that you would like bows, but more often than not, you end up ripping them out and throwing them on the floor.

And then there are some not-so-baby quirks and new tricks…

For one, you prefer to hold your own bottle. This is new to me. Your big brother would probably still want me to hold his sippies if it wasn't taboo. But you? You grab it out of my hands and go at your own pace. Again, this is different for me and it kind of makes me sad, but at the same time it is so convenient. I can pass a bottle back to you in the car when we are on road trips or running errands. It really is so nice. 

You started saying more words this month. On June 23rd, you added "mo" for more (figures) and "uh oh." On July 16th, you said, "lie" for light. Buuuuuuut, that's about it. You're still a baby babbler for the most part. And speaking of more. You love food still and are always wanting more, more, and more. You are a bottomless pit, my dear. When you don't care for something it's easy to figure out because it ends up on the floor. You are a food (and toy, paci, anything) thrower! But, if you love it, you will inhale it and get the Clean Plate Award.

On July 2nd, while at the Lake Club pool you stood up on your own without holding on to anything. You were crab crawling and next thing I know you're standing up with the biggest grin on your face! Now you do it all of the time. You also started consistently cruising on furniture and walking with push toys, diaper boxes, and the step stool. However, because of these new tricks, you started inconsistently napping. 

The skipped and short naps could have also been a result of your…new tooth! FINALLY! On July 8th, your bottom left tooth broke through. It was a happy day for mama, not so much for you. 

Another happy day was on Sunday, June 12th when you took your first step! I was in the other room, but your daddy swears that you took one step while playing in your room with him and brother. It was the day that we got back from Chicago, so maybe it was from all of the excitement?! Needless to say, you haven't walked again, but you want to really bad. You prefer to reach for our hands to help you than crawl. 

On July 13th, you started clapping. I think that you picked this up from Shug over the weekend. She loves to sing you, "Pat-a-Cake." Now you are constantly clapping. You clap instead of signing "all done," you clap in your crib while you are trying to fall asleep, you clap in your crib when you wake up…you are so proud of this new trick! And we are proud of you, too. 

You've got moves and rhythm for days, Annie B. It's no surprise that you love music, dancing, and singing, as I've touched on this before. But, this month you started breaking it down in your car seat when you hear a song that you like come on the radio. You start bouncing your head and lift both arms, shaking and waving them. Describing it doesn't do it justice…thank goodness for video!

You are full of personality, AB baby. You either have us laughing, rolling our eyes, or on our knees praying. Keeping up with you is not an easy task...and you aren't even walking yet! You are going to be a force to be reckoned with, silly girl. We love you so much!

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