six months: ann bennett.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around the fact that my yesterday newborn is six months old today. I am going to blink and she is going to be a year old. Actually, I am going to blink and she is going to be sassy and sixteen. Heaven help us. 

Month six was a big month for Ann Bennett. For one, she slept through the entire night (7:00-7:00) without her pacifier or a peep on January 21st. The next night was a repeat. I thought, maybe we have turned a corner, finally?! Or maybe she is just catching up on her sleep from all those sleepless RSV Bronchiolitis, nights? Either way, I was ecstatic and when I get ecstatic about something, she senses it and regresses. That's not to say that she hasn't slept throughout the night again, it just means that she isn't consistent. But, that's our girl…inconsistency is her middle name.

Inconsistent: erraticchangeableunpredictablevariablevaryingchanginginconstantunstableirregularfluctuatingunsteadyunsettled,unevenself-contradictorycontradictoryparadoxicalcapriciousfickleflightywhimsicalunreliablemercurialvolatileblowing hot and coldever-changingchameleon-like.

Yep, that's her! But, we still love her…to pieces. 

Also on the 21st, AB sat in the Johnny Jump Up for the first time. And by sat I mean, sat. No jumping involved. She is warming up to it slowly, but surely. She is also warming up to the exersaucer. She actually interacts with the attached trinkets now and likes being in the standing position. And speaking of interaction, she plays with her toys now, too. She pushes them, pulls them, reaches for them, puts them in her mouth, throws and grabs them. Her favorites are her strawberry teething toy and the Laugh & Learn puppy dog. Big brother is not a fan of her playing with his toys and is quick to snatch them out of her little hands. This usually really upsets her. SHARE is a word used around our house a lot lately. And so it begins. 

On January 22nd, she rolled over to her tummy for the first time while in the crib. Brooks was a tummy sleeper at this age, so I thought that she would be too, but it was a one-time-only thing. She hasn't done it since and still prefers her back to sleep on.

On the 23rd, she sat up for the first time and rocked it. We haven't turned back! She prefers to sit up and play with her toys now, though I usually put a pillow or myself behind her.

I mentioned in previous posts that Annie B likes to eat. A lot. On January 28th, we decided that it was time to start her on solids. We started with rice cereal, which she hated. The tongue reflex didn't help much either. So, I gave up for a bit. On the 10th, I decided to ixnay the rice cereal and try bananas. She still pushed that little tongue out. On the 11th we tried avocado and pears. Pushed the tongue out. We tried peaches on the 16th. That tongue! I am hoping she loses the reflex soon because big mama really wants to eat, she just can't quite figure out how!

Ann Bennett was sick again this month; this time with the flu. It hit mama hard, but luckily spared Brooks and AB. They were both only down for the count for one day. I, on the other hand, was dead to the world for a week. Me and my girl actually spent several days apart and it was torture. I missed her so much. On the day before she was diagnosed, the 7th, she swung for the first time at Overton Park.

Some other random tidbits:

She started blowing bubbles and playing with all that drool.

She is only truly content on a full belly.

She still. STILL. STILL. has yet to give us a full-blown laugh. She has chuckled here and there, but no gut giggles. Baby girl needs to lighten up because Daddy and I are funny. And laughing is good for the soul.

Annie B adores her big brother. She lights up when he is around. I wish that he felt the same way about her. If she touches him he screams at the top of his lungs. SO dramatic.

Her eyes follow me like a hawk. She isn't happy when I leave the room and isn't afraid to show it. With that being said, she lights up when I walk back in and reaches for me to pick her up. That little face. I melt.

Ann Bennett Bryant, even though you like to give Mommy and Daddy a run for our money, there are no amount of fusses, cries, screams, or tantrums that will ever make us stop loving you. You truly are loved, baby girl, and I can't imagine life without you. Happy six months, sweet Sissy B!

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