brooks says.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

I was giving Brooks a tubby the other night and while watching him play on his tummy, kicking and blowing bubbles, I had an overwhelming feeling of wanting to freeze time, this very moment, and hold onto it forever. So, naturally, I grabbed my camera. 

B man is at such a fun age right now. Twos are anything but terrible (though, there are days that I want to bang my head against the wall, curl up in the fetal position and cry). 

He is developing such a silly personality. He keeps me laughing all day, every day. 

He has started asking a gillion questions. They start with Mommy and end with Mommy. Mommy, what's dat sound, Mommy? Mommy, sit right here, Mommy. Mommy, Mommy, Mommy. At times it can be exhausting, especially by day's end, but I know that this stage and precious moments are fleeting, so for now I am going to cherish that little voice so full of curiosity and endearment, the little hands that make the biggest messes, his growing imagination and realizations, and, of course, bubble beards...

I decided before he even started talking that I would compile "Brookisms" throughout his little life that were witty, sweet, or just plain funny. Here are some Brooks Says that I have gathered over the past month:

While playing with his alphabet puzzle, revealing the frog under the letter "F"...
B: Froggy sitting down!
L: [Nods]
B: And watching, TV! 

Out of the blue...
B: "Give mommy love." Followed by a big hug. 
L: [Heart melts]

While watching me get undressed to get in the shower...
B: [Points and laughs], "Mommy's boo boos! 
L: [Ummm, you mean boobies, Sparky?]

While sitting in the chair reading a book with Ann Bennett on my lap and Brooks beside me, he hops down, walks over to Sister's activity mat, bends down and pats it...
B: Sissy better get down, here!

While sitting in the same chair watching cartoons one morning...
B: Want bulldozer. 
L: Okay, get up and go get.
B: I'm sweepy (sleepy). 
L: [Stares]
B: [Pushing me out of the chair] Move, Mommy!

Observing me change Ann Bennett's diaper...
AB: [Passes gas]
B: Oh! Baby Sister pooted on Mommy! 

Dropped food on the floor at the restaurant...
B: [Climbing under the table] Go down der and eat it up!

Sitting on my lap while I was editing baby George's newborn pictures...
B: [Points] Margot and baby Jesus, Mommy!

While undressing him for a shower he starts touching both of his nipples...
B: Wiggle nipples, Mommy!
L: [Trying not to make eye contact]
B: Mommy, wiggle her nipples! 
L: [Decides daddy better take a shower with him]

While eating lunch together at the dining room table…
L: I love you, Brooks.
B: [Smiles]
L: Brooks, do you love Mommy?
B: Noooooooo.
L: [Silence]
B: Mommy cry!

He likes to tell everyone he meets about trackhoes and dump trucks, complete with hand gestures. And my favorite Brooksism is how he gets millimeters from your face when he wants to tell or ask you something. That little boy. I sure do love him and I am pretty sure he loves me too. Wink.

To be continued...

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