
Tuesday, July 2, 2013

TWO MORE DAYS until the most wondrous holiday of them all. I cannot contain my excitement! Although our plans have changed (we were supposed to go to Lake Oconee with my family, but my Gram is currently in the hospital—please pray for her), we are still going to throw down red, white, and woohoo style. I'm thinking a fun-filled afternoon of grilling out, yard games, star-spangled spritzers, and perhaps a trip the pool? Anyone want to join?

Last week, I did a little bit of crafting to add some Fourth of July festiveness to the abode. I was THIS close to putting patriotic bunting on Brooks' crib, but slid back down the flag pole to reality. And this decor may or may not stay up for another week or so. Don't judge.


Before I sign off, I want to give my sweet husband a high-five shout-out. On Friday he brought me home a little something to show me how much he loves and appreciates me. No, he did not bring me flowers. He walked through the door with a "HAPPY 4TH OF JULY!" balloon! Swoon. He sure knows the way to my heart.

I'll keep him.

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