a cold remedy.

Friday, July 12, 2013

Our Brooks has a take-no-prisoners cold and it has officially worn out its welcome. The impact it has had on my bitty is absolutely heartbreaking. We have been busy chasing that runny nose, trying not to laugh when he sneezes (because it is so so cute, except when he has a mouthful of food), staring into those watery eyes, and cursing that cough.

The other night I got up twelve times with Brooks over an 8 hour span. Two of those times I had to use the snot sucker because he could. not. breath. Bless him. The hardest part of this cold is that there is nothing that I can do or give JB to bring healing to his body. We just have to wait it out and let it run its evil course. BUT, thankfully, there are things that I can do to alleviate those pesky symptoms. 

Let me just go ahead and state that I am "one of those moms" who cloth diapers. I am "one of those moms" who makes her own baby food. And yep, you guessed it, I am "one of those moms" who doesn't like to give her little one over-the-counter drugs. No, I am not a health freak, but having a baby sure has made me move closer to that end of the spectrum. 

With that being said, I spent a couple of days researching natural, homemade remedies for the common cold and cough that are safe to use on little ones. I came across blogger Heather, aka the Mommypotamus, who has a heart for nourishing her family the natural way. She concocted a DIY All-Natural Vapor Rub safe for babes under two that takes only 5 minutes to whip up. 5 minutes? No brainer. 

Yesterday afternoon Brooks and I ventured to Whole Foods to gather the ingredients. I already had Spectrum Coconut Oil on hand, but you can find it at Whole Foods too. 

What you'll need:

  • 4 teaspoons of grated beeswax or grassfed beef tallow (I used beeswax)
  • 2 tablespoons shea, cocoa, or mango butter (I used shea butter)
  • 8 tablespoons of coconut oil
  • 30 drops of high quality, therapeutic grade essential oils: 10 drops of eucalyptus smithii, 10 drops of tea tree, 5 drops of lavender, and 5 drops of chamomile 
(Visit her post here to see what oils to use based on age of your child)

Step ONE: Grate the beeswax.

Step TWO: Melt the beeswax and shea butter in a double boiler (I don't have a double boiler so I just used a saucepan).

Step THREE: Once melted turn off the heat and add coconut oil and essential oils.

Step FOUR: Pour into a clean glass jar with a tight fitting lid (I used a mason jar). Makes only about 3/4 I tripled the recipe.

It took several hours to harden. I recommend letting it sit over night before use.

Also, it can be stored at room temperature for up to one year.

We tested the rub out last night and it worked wonders. I put a little dab on Brooks' chest and on the bottom of his toes before bedtime. I also put a few drops of chamomile and eucalyptus oil in his cool mist humidifier to help him breath easier. He still coughed and sneezed a bit throughout the night, but never woke up needing me to console him...or suck the snot out of his nose. He woke up a much happier baby this morning and for that I am grateful. Thanks, Mommypotamus!


  1. Hi! I've been following along for awhile now, just wondering if you've ever considered putting a search within your blog...sometimes I just can't remember when I read about something you've posted that I've wanted to try, (i.e. that super shower head cleaner...) :)

    Hope Brooks feels better speedy fast! He's such a cutie.

    1. Thanks Lauren! I hope he starts to feel better soon, too. A search bar never crossed my mind, but it was an easy fix! Thanks for the suggestion :)


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