
Tuesday, December 6, 2016

At my 12 week check-up, I was sent to Ultrasound after my appointment with Dr. Stradtman. I have another hematoma this go-around (I had one with Ann Bennett, as well) so she wanted to check to see if the clot has gotten bigger, smaller, or completely disappeared. I have not experienced any spotting or bleeding, so I was hopeful it had absorbed into my body. Unfortunately, it grew just a tad, which means no heavy lifting for me, but the good news is I was able to catch another glimpse of our healthy little bean!

Since this is most likely our last baby, I wanted to give a little update on my pregnancy, thus far. For Number Three's memory's sake and my own.

First, we are not finding out the gender again. It was the sweetest surprise with Ann Bennett and we want to relive that moment with this baby. At this point, I have absolutely no clue or inkling if I am carrying a boy or a girl.

My pregnancy symptoms have been the most similar to my pregnancy with Ann Bennett. From about weeks 7-9 I was ill, but never threw up (other than a bout with the stomach bug). I didn't have any specific food aversions, but no food during those 2 weeks sounded good to me.

I have been EXHAUSTED. Like, lay down on the couch at 1:00 p.m. and don't get up until after John gets home, tired.  I don't think the kids are to blame this time. I think it's from growing this baby! Not to mention, I have battled strep throat and the stomach bug twice during this pregnancy so far. Talk about a weakened immune system!

Thankfully, I have been able to keep up with my workout routine other than a few alterations, due to my hematoma. As of my 12 week appointment, I have not gained any weight, but that's sure to change soon!

Right now, I'm just trucking along feeling ever so thankful for this precious life. I'm eager to check in on the babe in four weeks!

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