new house glimpses: volume one.

Friday, February 19, 2016

I haven't shared much of anything about the new house, yet. Except for the fact that moving with a three year old and a one year old was no joke. Moving across the street was no joke, either. I believe approximately 47 trips were made to and from. The day of our closing, our painters broke my favorite (discontinued—oh, the horror) lamp and the DirecTV gent cemented a metal pole smack dab in the middle of our backyard (really?!). So, naturally, I cried to him. And every one else who came into contact with me.

You literally cannot pay me to move again. Not until my moving wounds heal, at least. I don't foresee that happening for, oh, ten plus years.

Lo! We are in and on the road to settlement. We have a never-ending list of to-dos and lots to buy, hang, or purge, but it feels like home. Our hearts are overflowing.

I am going to periodically share some snippets of the house…until it is ready to share in its entirety.

Up today: our new runner. This may be my favorite purchase for the new house, thus far.

Coco seems to like it, too.

Happy Friday!

1 comment:

  1. I bought a runner for our house not too long after we moved in and it is still my favorite thing! It may have been more than i ever thought i would spend but it made all the difference!! I have been dying to see pictures so please post some!


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