brooks says.

Friday, December 4, 2015

While playing outside…
B: [With a serious face] "Look at that rain cloud far away."
L: "Uh oh. Is it going to rain?"
B: [Shakes head] "No, it's not going to rain. The sun is out!"
Ok, thank you, weatherman Brooks.

I opened the trunk to my car and noticed that there were boxes upon boxes of tile still there that John was supposed to get several days ago. I have asked him at least five times for him to get it out. So when I caught sight of it, I mumbled under my breath while putting Brooks in the car seat…
L: "Ooh, I'm so mad."
B: "Got be happy, Mommy!"

Picking at his cheek in his car seat…
B: "Get lunch off!" It was breakfast.
L: "Ok, buddy. I will wipe it off when we get to the store."
B: [Pointing to my center console where I keep spare wipes] "In there!"

While watching America's Funniest Home Videos and eating dinner in the den as a family, a segment on kids' reactions to pregnancies came on... 
J: "Brooks, do you want Mommy to have another baby?
B: [Poking at both of my boobs] "Mommy has two babies in der!"

While driving with one hand on the wheel…
B: "You have drive with two hands!" [Complete with hand gestures]
L: [Put both hands on the wheel]
B: "There you go."

Got a smoothie for Brooks at Costco…
L: "Can Mommy have some?"
B: "Sure you can!"

After eating breakfast he was sitting with his hands out and demanded…
B: "Wipe me up!"
L: "Excuse me? Wipe me up, please?"
B: "I don't like them!"
L: "You don't like what?"
B: "Oranges." [Even though he devoured them]
L: "You just don't like that they make you sticky? Because it looks like you enjoyed them; you ate all of them! Did they taste good?"
B: "They did, Mommy."
L: [Broooks runs off and I pick up his plate and say] "Good job, buddy!"
B: [From the den] "Good job, Mommy!"

Brooks learned how to sing "God our Father" at school. He now asks to sing it throughout the day…
B: Let's sing Fod our Gotter!"

While playing catch in the front yard…
B: [Out of the blue] "I got a penis!!!"

After an afternoon at the hunting club with John…
J: "Did you see any deer, Bubba?
B: "I didn't. Mommy, did you see any?"
L: "I sure didn't."
B: "Say 'no sir,' Mommy."

Handed him my chapstick…
B: "Hey! I love this! It's sooo cute."

Headed to the hospital to meet Charlie…
L: "Do you want Mommy to have another baby?"
B: [Pauses, thinks for a second] "You already have one, Mommy."

Going number two with Daddy (as in Daddy was keeping him company)…
B: [Looking down, face red, poops] "Daddy! Did you hear it go kapluke?!"

…'Til next time!

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