the best days.

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Hi, there. Ready for a life update?

I have spent the past two days publishing drafted posts, writing new posts, brainstorming about future posts—trying to stay up-to-date. It's hard stuff! Between Brooks starting school, Ann Bennett learning how to walk run, me starting Iron Tribe (!), averaging three photography sessions a week, and building a house across the street (!!!), I'm finding it really hard to find time to write, and do laundry and wash dishes, let alone remember what day of the week it is.

It's Wednesday, right?

So, here is a mash-up of life's happenings:

We already touched on Brooks starting school. Our big boy is loving it and we are so thankful.

Ann Bennett started walking and there is no stopping her. I would say that she started taking more steps the weekend of September 12th. The next weekend is when she really started walking, as in not crawling at all. Within hours of the consecutive steps, she was running. She is into everything and never leaves my side. We bought her first pair of shoes from Sikes—Keds! She also got a pair of dress shoes and they are every bit of cute on those chubby feet.

I threw in the towel and started drinking the Iron Tribe kool-aid in August. I joined 101 two weeks in, but graduated on time with the rest of the gang. I lost my lunch after my first class and am still cursing burpees, but I am growing to love it. The best part is sharing a common hobby with John. Maybe one day I'll catch up to him!

I put myself out there in the Instagram world to promote Lauren Bryant Photography, my outlet, pride, and joy. The response was overwhelmingly astounding. I have anywhere from two to three sessions a week. It is most certainly keeping me busy, between shoot time and editing. I have been staying awake waaaaaay past my 8:00 bedtime.

Remember that tear-down across the street from our current house? Well, the Lord has opened several doors for our family and I am excited to announce that we have plans to move into it in November. It is all contingent on our house selling, but we are hopeful. And you know what? If it doesn't sell, we are just trying to "be where our feet are" and trust in whatever and wherever God calls our family.

With that being said, I am trying to find balance and keep my priorities straight. It's a daily struggle that forces me to rely on the Lord and accept His generous grace. It's pretty great having a selfless husband to rely on, too. John has done a great job stepping in to help with the babies on the mornings that I go to the gym or the evenings that I have a shoot. In addition, he is working his tail off providing for our family. What a man, what a man, what a man, what a mighty good man…

I am also in a season of hopeful healing. Earlier this year I was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease (Hashimoto's Thyroiditis). It has led me on a never-ending quest for answers and a cure. I've been running to and from a naturopath, endocrinologist, cardiologist, ear, nose, and throat specialist, and an autonomic disorder physician. I have since been diagnosed with Dysautonomia and am slowly, but surely, finding balance and making lifestyle changes in hopes of improving or eliminating symptoms and getting my autonomic nervous system back on track. It's going to be a long journey, but I am putting my faith and trust in our Mighty Physician and believing for a cure from the incurable.

So, there you have it. Life, in a nutshell. It is surely crazy and hectic, but it is also abounding and joyful. These days are the best days…


  1. Love your posts and pictures! Hope to see you guys during football season.

    1. Thank you, Courtney! Good to know someone still follows. ☺️ We are hoping to make it to Auburn for the Georgia game! I sure hope we see y'all!

  2. How exciting about the house across the street! Can't wait to see what y'all do! And sorry to hear about the autoimmune disease...I have a skin autoimmune disease that I developed in 8th grade with no cure as well, so I'll keep you in my prayers as you get it figured out. And, as always, love your photography and I'm glad to see you're back at photographing families! :)


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