eight months: ann bennett.

Friday, April 17, 2015

I adore the sweet and cuddly newborn days, but for me, the real fun begins around month eight. It's when you realize that your tiny baby isn't so baby anymore. You may shed a tear or two, but then when your babe reaches for you or climbs into your lap...let's just say, life with littles grows sweeter with each 'good morning' smile.

Let's start with food, since Ann Bennett's life revolves around it. Really, it's what makes her world go 'round. She is still most happy on a full belly (aren't we all?!) and prefers it to be full However, just like Brooks at this age, she stopped guzzling her bottles. She still takes four bottles throughout the day, but will only drink 5-7 ounces. Sometimes she will smack the bottle out of my hands at 3 ounces! But, she is sure to make up for it with solids, eating anywhere from 4-8 ounces, three times a day. Some dates to note: She had a lick of her brother's Popsicle on the 11th, we introduced Puffs on April 14th, and on the 16th she gnawed on cucumber while we ate supper. It's time to start introducing more (actual) solids.

Which brings me to teeth...she still doesn't have any!

More firsts this month:

On March 20th, AB got her first shiner. Surprisingly, it was self-inflicted while playing and not the doings of brother.

On April 6th, my love muffin said MAMA! It wasn't directed to me, but she said it nonetheless. Before "dada," I might add. She likes to mimick sounds that I make with my mouth and when I pucker up she leans in to kiss me. She is babbling just about every consonant sound now, too.

Ann Bennett felt the sand between her toes and cold ocean water on her feet for the first time on April 9th, during our family beach trip. She was in heaven! She also took her first dip in the swimming pool on the 10th.

And speaking of sand, she much prefers playing in the grass, sand, dirt, and rocks rather than with her dolls. I think we may have a little tomboy on our hands! 

Annie B loves music. She started dancing this month (a.k.a. rocking, bouncing, or bobbing her head) and it's the cutest thing ever. Her favorite toy is the Little Tikes piano and our "Noisy Noah's Ark" book. Really, she loves anything that makes music.

Lastly, she is SO close to crawling. She has the rolling army crawl down, but she started getting on all fours and rocking, as well as doing the plank. She has perfected sitting from the crawl position and pulls up on things (and legs) to the kneel position. It won't be long before she's on the move and playing with all of big brother's toys! Sharing is caring, Brooks!

Ann Bennett, you are a little piggy, an observer, and a daddy's girl. Most of all, you are a joy. We are in love with you, our beautiful darling! 

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